What is your definition of success

We all strive for success no matter what stage we are at in life.

Establishing goals is a great way to set out your success plan. Small measured steps enable you to celebrate each milestone as you go, however, one key thing to note is that success can mean something different to everyone and that is perfect because your journey is about YOU.

The journey which we take to reach our goals is the most treasured, take the opportunity to stop and recognise what you have achieved as you go - celebrate the small wins with those around you. Recognise that you have navigated through various thoughts – taken many actions and climbed through potential obstacles to reach your goals – your passion. 

When you establish what success means for you – you will know exactly why that resonates for you. Truth be told, we are conditioned to think that success is based on wealth/money – assets and that may be what it means for you – but it can be something very different too.

To me, success is about time. You see, time is something that I value; it is the one thing that we cannot buy or get back once used and it enables me to do the things that I love – to be with family; to be able to say “today I am not working “. It means that I no longer work the 80hour weeks from my corporate life and can still enjoy the fruits of my work. 

Success to me means:

  • I can say NO to work especially if it does not align with my values

  • I work shorter days

  • I can do PRO BONO work knowing that I am contributing to someone else’s success

  • I can make choices about my END GOAL

  • I decide what the BIGGER VISION is and can stay true to who I am as a person.


What does success means to you?

When you can map this out – you are on the way to creating a road map that will deliver success for you. 

If you are ready to crystallise your success, take your first step and book a FREE 15-minute talk. Don’t hold back – Don’t second guess yourself. 

You deserve to have the success that you dream about


When it comes to numbers, knowledge is power


A true mentor listens to understand