Global Impact Visionary
Very few people know that there is more to who they are. They are stuck in the identity of their title, their stature, and who others perceive them to be.
"You are like a holistic medical doctor for business."
- Moses
If you are stuck in your head with what she calls limitations, she will blow your mind with the possibilities. But, before you are ready for this, you will reach an intensity of understanding in who you thought you were and then better understand who you choose to become.
This one-on-one program is run by our Founder Cathy Dimarchos with selected people who are ready to be who they choose to become. It is reliant on you being prepared and it is not for the faint-hearted but for those who truly are ready to create a ripple in the world. It is about challenging yourself to unlearn, unearth, and discover your true limitless self and who you want to really be known for as you take that final breath.
Live fearlessly, love with passion and know who you are unapologetically because your impact is bigger than you.