When it comes to numbers, knowledge is power

So many people find themselves feeling trapped and I find money is often part of the story. So, if that is how you feel, know that you are not alone.

This is not a topic often spoken about because nobody wants to admit that they want more or that they fear that they may lose what they have or fall short.

At the end of the day, we all want security – for ourselves and for our family. This is why I want to create that independence for you.

Having someone else know your numbers for you is not a strategy

We all know that nobody will know your business like you, so don’t hand over your power. With each decision you make, you need to know how it will affect your bottom line. It’s not just about Budget, but about Cash flow and Margins

It’s your Vision, your Mission, your Bank Account.  It’s not a paper game – it’s your future.

Your Bank Account might be a great benchmark but it does not tell the story of where you are going or where you want to be!

Seeing money in there is great, but what about all of the expenses due? Do you know if you have funds set aside to cover what will be due in the next 2 months? What will happen if you have clients who don’t pay on time? What is the impact?

If you’re like me, you’ll want money on tap when you need it. There may be a great opportunity to buy something for the business or you might need to replace something that has broken.  

Can you imagine if you could look at a spreadsheet and make a snap decision and not have to worry or second guess yourself?

Think about the peace of mind that knowing and understanding your numbers at a glance would bring you, how much better you’d sleep at night. 

Why should I do it now?

I’d rather ask: Why NOT now?

Right now, there might be fear thumping through your chest. Let’s stop that sound. It is not as hard as you’ve been told.

This is not just about you but you are the one who needs to take the step to start. Take control, You deserve it.  And well, let’s face it. It is your job.

Remember this is not about you becoming an expert or doing your taxes yourself, that’s a job for your accountant. Your job is to understand the numbers so you can make solid decisions in your business and not have to rely on someone else to tell you whether you can or cannot.

It starts with one small step, investing in yourself.

I am on a mission to lift the baseline of where people start in business across the globe. It just takes one step to start with a new way of looking at your business, through the Numbers. 

This is an opportunity to create the changes you want for yourself. Take that first step and invest in yourself.

Book in your free consultation and let’s get you to know your numbers.


Numbers on the Runway


What is your definition of success