Thinking Limitlessly

Am I an idealist? Is it possible to think limitlessly?

When I share my ideas on this topic, I can see the transformation rippling out on their faces. It’s almost like they are hearing something that they wanted to believe in, but never thought was possible. I see that glimpse of belief in themselves shine through and I can hear their thoughts change gears.

They share dreams and aspirations that they have never shared with anyone else and are often surprised that they have dared to say them out loud.

This is the power that we each hold when we think limitlessly and show others that they can do it too. We inspire those around us to do the same. We give them an opportunity to release what’s inside and to realise that they can be more and do more. We enable them to be creative, to break through their limiting beliefs, and to begin to choose who they want to be.

From a young age, most of us are raised to think within constraints. “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, the simple question we so often ask our children is one example of limiting connotations. Yet, we have learnt to accept that this is the question we ask young children so that they begin to have goals or an idea of what job they want to have when they grow up. This question, though, limits their thoughts to what is already known and already exists.

Instead, what if we asked, “What impact do you want to make in the world?” or “what changes do you want to see in the world?”? What does that enable them to think about? For most children, that would remove their thought from what they want as a job or a career to empower them to think broader. It allows them to consider different aspects of their life and how each part can contribute to the very thing they want to be part of. To create impact.

Changing the narrative in which we look at things and how we use language all play a role in how we can create an awakening that enables our young people and ourselves to think limitlessly. Pausing to reconsider what you know and instead considering what else is possible is the beginning of challenging the “norm”. It is how we innovate and, most importantly, it is how we begin to look at opportunities to create a greater impact on the world.

Every time you cross paths with someone, it’s an opportunity. It’s like a door opening to meet someone new, to learn something different or, potentially, to collaborate on something that is bigger than you, but if you are not prepared to pause and listen, you will miss an opportunity of asking “what else” is possible.  I am neither naive nor foolish to think that I know enough. I also recognise my limitations. In fact, it is in recognising them that I have my greatest joy because I can then be in pursuit of people that can complement me or whom I can collaborate with to create a greater impact.

Fearing that others will find out my limitations is not a trait I aspire to hold. Instead, I am prepared to shout it out to the world as this will then attract the right people to me. I don’t waste time doing the things that I don’t enjoy, or doing the things that I am not brilliant at. I choose to play in my space of genius and am happy to bring in people that play in their place of genius so that together we can create a greater impact. 

My Anthology “Think Limitlessly” is the second book in my trilogy. This book is about enabling inspirational people to be seen for who they choose to be. Most have gone against the grain and done things their way. Their stories allow you to see that ordinary people can create extraordinary things especially when they begin to think limitlessly.

The act of thinking limitlessly begins when we think beyond ourselves. This ties in closely with the ability to recognise the type of impact you want to have on those around you and the type of ripple you want to make.  When you begin to recognise that your thoughts can drive your actions, you begin to be more conscious of the choices you make, and this awakens your intentions.

These intentions are how I live life and make decisions. It is how I can plan ahead and how I am able to respond with clarity about the choices I make. There is no coincidence that “Think Limitlessly” is to be accompanied by my “Intentionally Conscious Living” Journal and Gratitude book. They complement each other and as the readers become inspired by the stories shared by these amazing co-authors, they begin to awaken to what is possible for them.  To be able to think limitlessly, you need to be intentionally conscious of the choices you make and be aware of the impact you want to make on those around you.

We can be conscious and we can be intentional but, each of these alone is not enough to create a greater impact. When we combine them to become Intentionally Conscious though, the impact becomes greater and the trajectory forward becomes exponential. It is what I call the final 5%. It is the part that many decide is not worth the time and effort because they feel that 95% is good enough.

This pursuit of the final 5% is what awakens us to the potential of thinking limitlessly. It’s what allows us to live life in “flow”. It becomes the oxygen that provides clearer air and twenty-twenty vision and it also prevents us from chasing other people’s dreams.

Pause and take a moment to look inward and tell yourself what that one thing is that you want the most in life. Say it out loud so that becomes real. When you share it with someone else, it then becomes your reality. But until you are prepared for that, you are playing small and limiting yourself to what you know is possible.

Be inquisitive in life, just because something hasn’t been previously done does not mean it is not possible. Possibilities always sit at the edge of what is possible, but someone needs to push beyond the boundaries to discover what else exists. Why not let that be you?

If you are in search of what else is possible, dare to start your journey. Start by setting a date, start by reading Think Limitlessly and then enhance your opportunities by ordering the Intentionally Conscious living journal. 

If not today, then when? Only you hold the answer. Remember the saying “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me”.

I believe in you, now it’s time for you to believe in yourself.


The Difficult Conversation


The Power of Intentionally Conscious Living