The Power of Intentionally Conscious Living

I am often told: “I am fascinated by what you do Cathy. How do you do it? How do you fit it in?

Let’s break this down and demystify things because I truly believe that everything is possible, and it’s not even complicated. I do what I love but everything is done with Intentional Consciousness.

In March 2020, as my life crumbled around me with both parents critically ill in two different hospitals, and as the world was going into lockdown, I paused, took a deep breath, and realised I had been playing small. I had big ideas and thoughts and achieved some amazing things to date, but I was not amplifying my vision, nor was I being Intentionally Conscious. I was conscious, but that was not enough.

One year earlier, on the 31st of March 2019, I had begun my Conscious Journey. It was the first time I drew a line in the sand and said “No”. It was a conscious decision to walk away from a work that did not align with my values. I didn’t know it then, but I was still discovering who I was choosing to be. I began my conscious awareness of living life through my values and embedding them in how I worked. This meant that I had to also become very clear on my boundaries, which at times would mean I would have to say “No”. These small steps enabled me to walk my talk and to live life Intentionally Conscious.

It was also when I began to show people how to Think Limitlessly. These small steps are the beginnings of being who I have chosen to become.  It seems simple, even idealistic perhaps, but it’s often the simplest of things that people miss and therefore they continually play the game of “chase” instead of looking inwards.  These small, strong, clear, simple steps are the foundations of how I do what I do. They allow me to continue to build on what I know and to do what others see as challenging or impossible.

In 2018, I began to see ripples of impact in the way we engage with one another. I began to recognise these patterns as I travelled across continents. I also began to see the impact we have on others with the choices that we make. Looking back, I realised then that surrounding yourself with like-minded people created a positive impact and this is when I began to realise I had a choice in what I enabled around me.

“Intentionally Conscious Living” is my way of combining two powerful behaviours which when combined create greater impact and a positive ripple. I have coined that term to explain how I live so that others can create their own foundational journey. I have also created a Journal and Gratitude Book to help people begin their journey of discovering who they choose to be. Going through this process will enable you to gain an understanding of the things that serve you just as much as those that don’t serve you. It will help bring clarity to the choices you make. This is where I say you begin to have “flow”. This is when you know you are responding to life rather than reacting to the things that happen around you.

As harsh as it may sound, I have learnt the value of saying “NO” and gained an insight into how important it is not to compromise on the things that you value the most. For me, “people, ethics, equity, and equality” matter most. When you become clear on what matters to you, it’s easy to set boundaries so that don’t compromise your values. These values allow you to hear what’s not said and to see what is hiding in plain sight so you can begin to dig deep in search of true alignment.

I do what I love. I do it because I am obsessed with gifting knowledge and sharing it with the world. I share what I know so that I can elevate those around me. I do it because I yearn to know more myself. I listen to better understand as I don’t know it all. There is so much more for me to learn so if I can share what I learn, we can create a ripple effect.

I have often shared that every human being is like a drop of rain. Each raindrop creates a ripple but, when united, we can create a greater ripple. As we all fall into alignment, we can be a body of water that raises everything and everyone. As humans, we often fall short in only seeing our own drop, our own ripple and don’t pause to see that if we collaborate or if we work with one another, we can create something bigger. This is why I keep telling everyone to think bigger and to think limitlessly.

I am very inquisitive and am also conscious of the impact I have and can make. I often pause to recognise the triggers within me and the emotions that I have, and I continue to check in with myself to explore what is different and how I can stretch myself or allow others to stretch me. This is one of the most common conversations that I have with those who dare to step outside of their comfort zone.

What’s more important is that I am normal! I find it fascinating that people would think otherwise. We all have limitations, I know I hit barriers just like you, but I choose to look for solutions. I also dare to ask for help. We all have the ability to know what we want from life and what we don’t want. We have the ability to gain clarity on what we are in pursuit of but first, we must dare to ask questions and seek out help. 

Our dreams, wishes, and aspirations are all possible, but we so often get caught up in what others have or what others are doing that we place less value on the things that we value most and lose sight of our own pursuits. So when you find yourself scanning through socials looking at what others are doing, look inwards and remember the Intentionally Conscious living practices that I have shared. The greatest tip is to be consistent. Nothing is mastered by doing something once, twice or even three times. It needs to become a ritual.

Playing the game of “chase” disables us from striving for the things we yearn for; the things that bring us joy as we always chase someone else’s dream. This process keeps us from playing big. It prevents us from Thinking Limitlessly.

This year I have brought inspirational humans together to share their stories. Each of them has the ability to Think Limitlessly but, as they wrote their chapter, I asked them to think bigger, to dig deep as their story will impact many. This Anthology is part of a Trilogy that I began and titled in June 2021 and it was also a roadmap to the journey I began in showing up in the world. It is also a way for me to walk my talk rather taking the talk.

Creating a roadmap is about knowing where you will be at each stage and not leaving things to fate. It is about creating a fate that elevates others. I know the impact I want to make in the world and those that want it too can share my journey.

I work with people who know that they want more for themselves and more for others. I work with people who are ready to step forward and be the person that they choose to be. Most of all, I live life with balance and I am also conscious of not repeating the things that have not served me, and that includes burnout, stress, and toxicity.

There are many ways for you to change your trajectory forward, but first, you must choose to action.

Who do you choose to be? What is the first step you will make? When?


Thinking Limitlessly


Living Consciously with Intention