Success - Surround yourself with the right people

Success is what we choose to make it and having the right people by our side will always enable us to rise to the occasion!

In life, we often look at an image and create our own story. The story that we tell ourselves or the one we get “sold” by others, often then becomes our reality. I know this because I too walk the path called life and have a personal journey just like you.

As you look at this real-life image below, you will start to create a story around it, but what you see might be very different from what I share. What will you actually take away? What impact will it create and what choices will you make after seeing this – after reading this?


10 months ago, this woman’s life changed from what she had known for the past 65 years. In fact, her life became a new reality, one that led her to her deepest fear. Darkness that she believed she would not be able to return from. In fact, even at this moment that same fear still exists but I am sure your initial thought would consist of the following story:

  1. How nice she is with her ….

  2. How lucky they are swimming

  3. How lucky they have a pool

  4. What a privileged life

Yes, she is privileged, but not the way you may think. 

She has been told each day that she can walk, that she will get better, that her strength will increase and her fear will become easier to deal with, that her obstacles can be overcome. So, what does a 90-year-old person hear? They hear their own story because they have lived a hard life, and they have fought their own battles in life, at work and yes, they have a lot more history to draw on than any young person could possibly tell them. If we could see what others see in us, our path forward would be a different story – especially if the people around us consistently lift us!

I share this story because, in many ways, this is what we as humans face each day, both at work and in our personal lives. The story that we tell ourselves and the story that we hear others “sell us” becomes our reality. 

The impact we have on one another is often greater than we realise. The impact we have on those around us is so significant, that we can all benefit from taking a moment to consider the choices we make: - to lift or to withhold? 

If those around us had the courage and the strength to tell us the things that sometimes, we are not ready to hear. Yes – the same thing day after day, week after week, or month after month. If they told us things, we did not believe were possible because of all of our insecurities, doubts and negative self-talk, our beliefs would change. No matter what your age, look at who is around you, look at what impact they have on your life, look at the story that they tell themselves and the story they tell you. 

How happy are you at work?

Work is not meant to be a struggle, it is not meant to elicit fear, it is not meant to be hard and it most certainly is not meant to make you feel disenfranchised. 

As you continue to look around you in life and at work, start to listen to the voices of those that lift you instead of those that give you an excuse of why things need to be a certain way or why you need to feed into a system that does not serve you or value you.

Progress is about accepting a challenge, accepting that a young voice can provide a new way and that they can step up to lead no matter who they are or where they are in life.

Invest in Yourself

Invest in the right people to guide you – not those who have their own interests at heart. You will gain the most when you are stretched but still supported. When you are guided through fear to dig deep. When someone navigates you on YOUR path (not theirs).

Taking the step to seek out support is the first and hardest step but it is the one that creates the impact that will bring about real change. You may not know right away where this support may lead because you’re still figuring out what you want or what you need, but trust in the process and in the right person will guide you to where you need to be.

Often we cannot see in ourselves what others see in us or in our business!

Celebrate every small measured step

Whilst you look back at this image, know that there are several people guiding this 90 old woman. There is a team behind the scenes, sharing one vision and working holistically for this woman’s personal gain – nothing more! Yes, there were struggles and these struggles will continue. There were obstacles. But, together, they were overcome and they will continue to be overcome. 

This journey has not ended, it is just beginning. Each step is about a breakthrough. It is about recognising where you were and how far you have come. It is about looking back so you can see the road you have travelled already. It is never about what you DON’T have. Everything is celebrated as a success, especially the smallest of steps. 

Your path, your journey, your story, your end goal.

Be certain that the voice you hear is the one that supports you in your creativity, not the voice of fear and most certainly not the voice that tells you that you must stay in the proper lane (most often their lane). Create your own lane,

I often hear people share the story of how they want or have tried to make a change but ended up exactly in the same place. Lost, uncertain, and most of all disenfranchised. 

I have people in successful businesses share that they know what needs to change in their business, but finding where to start appears too difficult, following through is not clear, especially when you have followed a path that you have been told should work even though you know it can be better. 

I hear people dissatisfied with the work that they do, but who stay because they don’t know what else to do or how to start- where to start? Investing in you is the start

If you want change, just like this 90-year-old woman who “knows what she knows”, you need to invest in yourself, in your business, and trust that someone who will have a vested interest in you will support and help you navigate towards where you want to be.

Remember, 6 months, 10 months, 12 months or even 2 years isn’t much in the scheme of things, especially if it is about getting to where you truly want to be.

Back to that image…. This amazing woman is my mother who last year lost her husband of 65yrs (my dad). 10 months ago we nearly lost her too, she could not walk or stand, she was not able to eat, and needed to feel me by her side 24 x 7 for a month.

Her world changed overnight – she could not go back to her home and she did not even have the opportunity to say goodbye to her life partner of 65yrs. But every day since then, she has heard the words “YES, YOU CAN” and he has been shown how. The foundations have been solid with support and a clear path forward has been outlined: ONE STEP AT A TIME.

Yes there have been hiccups, bumps, and everything in between and it has been challenging for everyone, but with a goal, a vision, a dream, everything is achievable! 

Support, leadership, Mentoring, Strategy is about the SMALL MEASURED STEPS that will enable you get to where you want to be - to lead the life you deserve. 

Whether you are looking to step up in your career, change it, step out on your own, or grow your own business, this first step starts with you. It is all about YOU.  

All of this becomes your story but, first, you must have the right people around you. Take this opportunity to reach out, 15 minutes of your time may lead to a new beginning and may change the story you keep telling yourself or the one you had being sold.

Change starts with you, but you are the only one who can take the step.


2020WON - Taking the first step to success


Leadership - you can’t be what you can’t see.