2020WON - Taking the first step to success

(yes, I know it is 2021)

2020 gave us the opportunity to crystalise our vision. Sure, there were many changes. However, our vision, our lenses were enabled by our own mindset and the story we allowed ourselves to believe.

The tide is changing and our future generation has realised that they can bring about change, one step at a time. They are setting themselves up so that they can control the outcomes and their destiny to be independent and to lead the life that they choose. They are setting themselves up to be the person that they want to be. They are creating a new way that will disrupt the way we know to be business.

Limitations are boundaries we can stretch.

Noise can be switched off so you can hear yourself and the voice you chose to speak.

2020WON is the year to bring it all together: that thought, that concept, that dream – You own it ALL. Taking that first step is what counts.

Dream big (limitless in fact), start small, but most importantly: Just Start.

2020WON is all about taking the winning steps. This is not a race. This is about taking Small measured steps to ensure that you have the right foundations whilst staying true to your values and your beliefs.

  • No more being disenfranchised

  • No more being disengaged

  • No more being undervalued and overworked

  • No more telling yourselves that you are “so lucky to have a job”

  • No more being sold the pitch that we need to take on a little more

Taking the winning steps is about having the right people to support you. The right people will call you out to allow you to rethink what you have only considered.

Having people tell you what you want to hear is not what you need.

Having the right people navigate you so that you reframe your mind to achieve a stretched outcome that embraces change and challenge is where you want to be.

Curious as to what that looks like?

Why not have a 15min chat and see what this means for you?


A mentor unravels the grand pianist in you.


Success - Surround yourself with the right people