Leadership - you can’t be what you can’t see.

As a parent, there have been many occasions when I have been mindful of my actions and being a good role model for my children. Likewise, I have asked the same of them for their friends and for those younger than them. As you read this, I am sure many of you can relate and think “yes, Cathy we all do that!”

However, in the past decade, I have begun to realise the importance that role modelling plays in our workplace but not through verbal communication. As leaders, I know you too have become more aware of this and have been more conscious to “show” people through your actions, as opposed to words. When we take the time to invest in others by “showing” them rather than “asking or telling them” the impact for them is greater.

Creating a path

We have more recently understood the influence of our communication and we have recognised the power of our “non-verbal communication”. In fact, we know that we take on so much more through non-verbal communication than we do through verbal communication. Being conscious to engage with one another through the use of actions is then made simple because we can “DO” what we say. So, let’s show people how they can achieve things rather than telling them. 

As my children were growing up, I use to ask them to walk amongst “legends”, to look at history and reflect on the actions of past leaders, people that they admired, so that they could look at what they did differently to achieve the things that they had achieved. 

When we can see others behave in a certain way - we know what we too can do to achieve the same outcome – I call that “creating a path so that others can follow”.  In many ways what I have been endeavouring to do is “TO SHOW” them how they too can follow a path that will enable them to achieve the same things.  Once a path is created, it enables others to follow. 

“If you can’t see it, you can’t be it.”

So, I call on each of you to step up and show others what they may not have previously been able to see. Knowledge is of value when it is shared and there is no greater gift!

Over the past 18 months, I have spoken at several women forum’s and will again have the wonderful opportunity to speak at the Empowered Women’s Summit later this year in 2021. The reason why I am so passionate about these events is not that I think we need to separate genders but that we need to show others how to do things.

History has created paths on which females haven’t always been seen so our future generation has not seen the path before them – or at least not to the same extent. That’s why I encourage each of you to SHOW UP and STAND UP so that you can be seen. 

There are no limitations in life – but the ones that we tell ourselves. There can often be a reason why things may not have occurred, but there is nothing that prevents us from trying. 

Roadblocks are merely a way to find a new path. You can create the road ahead!

Being the first at anything is usually a challenge but history has shown us that through persistence, commitment, grit and passion; all can be achieved.

I encourage each of you to believe in yourself and step up to the centre stage. Remember – YOU CANNOT BE WHAT YOU CANNOT SEE so show others how they too can achieve what you know how to!


Success - Surround yourself with the right people


Anti-fragility vs resilience