Start with the Outcome

Something to remember when you are setting out in business or looking to scale is that it does not matter if you are selling a product, a service, providing training or membership subscriptions. The process is the same.

Remembering that you are in business to serve always helps, however what makes us stand out from the competition is to know your client’s “pain”. 

To frame this a little clearer for you, yes, it is important to have solutions for them, but what is even more valuable is to really understand what those solutions will do for them. How it will make them feel. When we have problems that need to be solved it is not just the obvious that needs to be understood. Let’s show our clients that we can provide solutions to what caused their pain in the first place.

Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve through your business is important not only to your clients but to you as an individual. 

It is with this clarity that you will be able to identify your true client. This will also support you to identify how to market to them, and what will appeal to them.

Identify some solutions that you provide, if you are an existing business seek feedback from your clients on what service you provided to them and listen to the underlying messages that they give you which will tell you their pain point; these are invaluable.

The reality is, that no matter what your business is, it has the ability to be more. You just need to have a precise vision of the end in mind and you will reach success. 


If you would like to know more, I'd love to help you figure out what approach would work for you and your business. And then how to put a plan together and execute it. 

 So, what would you rather have?  An ending you didn’t want or a starting place you had not considered before?


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