Listening: The Game Changer in Communication

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to get better outcomes even when they appear to be saying the exact same thing as you?

At times we appear to be sending the same message but the results don’t match up. Why does this occur? What can we do differently so that we ensure we all get a better result?

When we engage with people, it helps to remember to LISTEN first. When we communicate the skill is in the listening. We may want to deliver a message but if we do not understand what people want, we are likely to miss the very thing that people want to know in the delivery of our message.

Listening with the intent of understanding, rather than listening simply to respond will always give you a positive outcome. Your audience will receive the information that they are looking for and you will achieve the outcome you are seeking because they will have heard what they needed to hear.

It is a very small shift in the way that we communicate that will create the impact you are looking for.

Can you recall a time that when you have listened before you delivered your message? How was that outcome for you?


Start with the Outcome


Turning Advice into Action