Purpose with wisdom for a better tomorrow
Today I have continued my personal learning curve. As I like to say, if we do not grow personally we cannot grow professionally.
In a remote place in India known as "Black Leopard" territory, there is a farm on the hills of the conservation area that I was visiting as it forms part of a project I have been working on (Regenerative Agriculture focusing on 100% organic cosmetics with green nano technology).
This journey was not only captivating through the beauty of the nature that surrounded me, but also through the people joining us; genuine Individuals who have become conscious of who they are and how they want to contribute to this world.
Whilst my conscious journey began in 2014, today I am surrounded by people who have been on theirs for 20 plus years.
Being acutely aware of how one wants to contribute in making this world a better tomorrow is a core value of mine. It digs deeper than "purpose"; sacrificing what many would call a life of comfort to live a life I have defined as "knowing enough". This is how these inspirational people live, and the one thing I have begun to share.
Most of us live a life of comfort. We have, for the most part, security, shelter, money, family, and we live life in auto pilot or, what I call "sleepwalking".
Comfort, is what makes us sleepwalk. Our head is in the sand only thinking about our micro ecosystem and our daily routine, totally oblivious to things that are in plain sight, impacting people and our environment globally.
Why? Because it has no direct impact on us. Our comfort is not personally disrupted, so we continue with our possible "small talk" or scrolling through social media to see what someone is wearing or how to create more sales on a tiktok post, or to see what one of the influencers is sharing about their holiday or an award won.
Today was another awakening moment. Several actually, but let me start at the beginning.
I asked myself "why aren't we all pausing to ask ourselves and our leaders questions when we hear that plantations are being destroyed, or that women are being violated daily, or that modern day slavery is growing exponentially"? How conscious are we? Or, should I ask, how comfortable are we?
Have we truly moved so far from our ancestral lives that we simply care about our own comfort and our personal net worth? That we sleepwalk through all the information that is at our fingertips?
I was given another "light" today that has equipped me to become more present, more awake. Truth be told, it has been alarming to know there is so much more that needs us to collaborate as people if we want to avoid the spiritual decline currently occurring around the world.
Most of you know that I am an optimistic yet realistic individual who believes that one personal can change the lives of many. Today has been another day where I have committed to doing more. The more aware and conscious I become, the more I know I am on my path of purpose with greater wisdom.
I give gratitude to having met two amazing humans who are creating real impact in the world. I continue to be inspired by those who dare to leave comfort and personal gain behind in pursuit of rebuilding humanity.
There is courage found in people who have left their life of wealth to live life for the good of others.
If you want to know more subscribe to our newsletter, or if you are ready to find purpose with wisdom and are ready to invest in yourself and you want Cathy to coach you or speak at an event, book a meeting with her to discuss where you are at.