You can do something about it.

How would you like to be that special someone who changes the lives of others?

It often appears to be something that someone else does.

In 2015, I sat at my dining table, sharing my disenfranchised perspective of the privileged life I lived, and I had a very clear message bounce back to me.

“We hear you, but, you know, you can do something about it!”

How clear is this message? How didn’t I see that I could step out of my own way to change the lives of many?

Know what you are yearning for

I knew what I was yearning for! I certainly understand the power of my mind and I know how to get things done, so why wasn’t I able to see what those around me could see? It appears that even those of us who are aware and conscious tend to get in our own way.

I share this because we are all human, and we don’t see our own blind spots. I often reflect on what I do daily, monthly, and even years apart, and I know that I do things differently, but I don’t ever see it as anything other than who I am and for it to simply be what I do.

It’s the reason why I wanted to share this because so many of us stand in our own way and seldom see the ability we hold to make an impact on the lives of others. I have been called many things in life and in my career (yes, even the things that are difficult to hear because I am a woman), but I draw on the ones where people have shown gratitude and courage to share what they have said I have done for them. I have had the privilege to work and walk alongside some amazing humans who have humbled me by relating to me as the “human dynamo” or a “holistic medical doctor for businesses”.

Some of these people have been in the presence of some very high global leaders and I have had the fortune to coach and mentor them.

This all came about because I got out of my own way. Because someone dared to tell me, “We hear you, but, you know, you can do something about it!”

Here's the truth:

  • We seldom pause long enough to get the clarity that we need.

  • We don’t take the time to value the importance of developing ourselves.

  • We seldom place value in recognising the cost that comes from being where we are to being where we want to be.

Spend time where you are celebrated

As you read this, I am sure that only 10% of you will take the time to reflect on the depth of what I share in this very simple yet impactful message.

Very few will take the time to really understand what is holding them back, or mostly what they are prepared to do about it.

It is so easy to chase the shiny object that you think will create the future that you want. It may be easy to see the cost that you may need to invest in creating the future you want, but very few take the time to see the price you pay by NOT investing in you and NOT doing anything.

The real cost is not what you need to spend to get what you want, the real cost is the difference between what you have now and what you don’t have.

“You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it” Einstein.

I have the privilege to say no to the things that don’t align with my values. This gives me the opportunity to say yes to things that serve me. "No” is a choice I have developed, and it enables me to respond to every opportunity that comes my way.

This gives me the opportunity to spend time with those whom I believe I can impact so that they, too, can make a difference in the lives of many.

Ripple Effect

I asked for help and was denied it twice when I really needed it. Both times, I was shown that not everyone has the ability to see what I can see. This has been my greatest lesson in my life. Their "no” to me was not about me but about their inability to see what I wanted to achieve.

It is no secret that I was initially saddened by the experiences as they both chose to look inward rather than hear the impact I was choosing to pursue. It took me months to recognise that I could draw back on the voice that I heard in 2015 “But you know, you can do something about it!”

If I can see it, I believe it! If I believe it, I can do it!

Being antifragile allows me to strengthen from my experiences, and this has formed part of my legacy. To not only teach but to show others by leading the way.

Today I have created several programs that I will take to the masses. Whilst I have shared part of my knowledge with those who have sought me out from across the globe because they wanted to expand their thought leadership, their vision, I am now preparing to share my knowledge on a bigger scale.

Impact creates new leaders

The world is smaller than we envisage, and our future generation deserves to live a life far better than where we are leaving it. So, as people who are self-full (have enough for themselves and are willing to elevate others) become aware of one another, we begin to collaborate to create an impact that elevates awareness and consciousness and drives a regenerative economy.

Numbers, strategy, innovation, and business are all my key areas of strength, as is understanding people. I have an unwavering drive to show others how they can gain the security they need so they, too, can be part of a bigger impact.


When you are ready to book a chat with me, click here.

If you are on your way, reach out to see which program will serve you best.


Purpose with wisdom for a better tomorrow


Girl Maths