Numbers on the Runway

Until today nobody has had the courage to make Budgets and Cashflows look sexy, I am here to change that!

Yes, this is a red carpet event! I am going to bring Numbers to the Catwalk and show you how easy it actually is.

I have worked in Finance for most of my career which means I understand numbers and although I can establish patterns like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, I know that the real value lies in knowing how to set them up to make sense to you as an individual. 

Changing the way, we look at numbers will create confidence and enable you to be more self-sufficient. I am committed to educating women, children, and those in leadership roles in knowing their numbers so that they can make the right decisions and plan ahead with conviction (beyond the marketing strategy).

Numbers aren’t my thing

When I sit at a round table and people talk about business partnerships, growing a business and present their incredible ideas - I am delighted that they have backed themselves and taken that leap forward. My heart genuinely fills with joy. But then, I listen to them and I hear things like “but I need to talk to my accountant because I need to know if it’s going to work.”, “I don’t have a budget.” or even “What is the difference between a budget and a cash flow? “

Whilst a great Accountant is necessary (they are responsible for your company/ business tax advice and returns), they are not responsible for the various decisions on what will make your business successful. This is a fundamental part of business. No matter what you do in business, having a budget and setting up your cash flow projection needs to be front and centre of your business decisions. 

Knowing your numbers is about protecting you and your business. Join the party and step onto the catwalk with your head up high!

I have often wanted to jump up and rescue people when they say to shy away from numbers but then I ask myself, why haven’t they asked for help? What holds them back from asking someone to show them how?

When it comes to money and numbers, people tend to go silent and after asking many of my clients why they didn’t ask for help before, this is usually what they say:

  1. They didn’t want anyone to judge them

  2. They didn’t want anyone to know that they didn’t understand that part of the business

  3. They felt like they were ignorant so it was best to not talk about it

  4. They weren’t making as much money as they had hoped and felt like a failure

The list kept going.

But truth be told, these reasons and anything else that you might come up with contribute to painting the mental picture that “Numbers just aren’t your thing!”.

Let’s stop that here today.

Numbers aren’t your thing… yet

You need to realise that without them you can’t run your business. Here it is: When you hand over control and power to someone else, especially when it comes to your business and the dollars, you are subconsciously sending yourself the message that I started with: “Numbers are not my thing.”, “I am not good at numbers”. We can change that mindset with just one word: YET.

I commit to making numbers look fun and sexy and, more importantly, make numbers make sense to you and to get you started, I have created some free video tutorials where I actually show you how to set things up. Claim yours by using the link below.

Don’t shy away

Step up because you deserve to be shown how.

I can also customise your budget and cash flow so that when you walk down the catwalk, each adjustment will help you see the impact any change will have on your business.

If you want to set yourself up and be the type of CEO / Director that can make informed decisions backed by solid statistics and numbers, join me in my group sessions or book in for your 1:1 “Know your Numbers” Strategy Workshops.

Numbers are no longer a Man’s world. Be one of the sexy ladies on the catwalk that stands tall, is ahead of the pack, and knows more than her craft but also knows her numbers. 

Don’t shy away. This is your opportunity to shine in a safe zone and connect with other women who also want to see you rise to the best version of yourself. 

Don’t wait you need this now more than ever!


Don’t base your life on your 18-year-old safe.


When it comes to numbers, knowledge is power