
Integrity is one of the most powerful values that we can display.

How do we display it as we carry on in our everyday lives?

When I reflect on it, upholding my integrity allows me to sleep at night knowing that I have been honest, respectful and placed the needs of others ahead of mine and not compromised my values. Integrity stands in the same place as honour.

Integrity is reflected in our actions, it is part of our thought process and as we all reflect on what it means and how we each define it, it is important to acknowledge that it is not something that we opt in to do at times and then opt out at other times. It is something that identifies us for who we are; all of the time.

There are no duplicitous behaviours, or versions of the truth. What happens behind closed doors and what happens in the presence of every individual is the same. This includes the difficult discussions that break through barriers and create cultures where trust is built. There are no “I’s” and we work collectively with one another and for one another.

As a leader on the sport field or in the boardroom, it is integrity that will enable your team to succeed. When we place the needs of others ahead of our own, we can be sure that we deliver an outcome that is far more impactful than any other.

It identifies that you have heard and understood what needs to be created. You have done it with trust and you have been respectful of all those around you.

In an environment of service, when you place the need of your client ahead of your own you build trust, you create mutual respect and your actions indicate that you have taken ownership not only for yourself but for that of others (your clients, your people).

This is Integrity. This is honour.

We can lead by example and create footprints for others to follow one step at a time.


Actions create change: Are you ticking a box or part of a movement?


Your Voice Matters