Your Voice Matters

One thing is certain in life and that is that your voice matters!

I know that as we went through childhood, we were often reminded to be mindful and respectful of adults, and that is true, respect was certainly something we all need to have at the top of our mind for one another, then, and now. 

Being mindful and respectful of adults did not mean that we should hold back our thoughts and opinions, it meant listening and taking on board what was being presented to you so that you may consider the way you then move forward.

Most children (adults now) took that to mean “do as I say” and held back their creative thoughts and as they have continued through life, they have continued to mirror this in their adult lives. In today's environment that becomes a little bit of a challenge because your voice matters now and others want to hear it.

Having your own voice and being able to take on board what others present to you is critical in business and in life. You need to be able to digest what you hear so that you can place it into perspective and then find your way forward. Knowing how valuable your voice is and what it can deliver can be the defining moment of a successful outcome or a lost opportunity.

One thing I have noticed throughout my career is that people don’t like change and just like they don’t like change, they too don’t like to be seen to have a difference of opinion.

As we continue to move through an ever-changing environment and see the significant differences between the Baby Boomers and the Alpha generation you can be sure that your voice matters.

If a 6-year old child growing up today needs to google to find out what a typewriter is it surely highlights how much has changed in such little time. We are in an era where we can unite the voices of experience and the voices of creativity and ingenuity to narrow the gaps between our generations. Allowing everyone to sit at the table and not be fearful of being different is what we need. 

 I pose a question to all generations. What holds you back?

Fear is likely to be the number one thing that holds many of us back. Being seen as being different and the potential fallout of no longer feeling like you “belong” is a key driver to keep your voice silent.

So how can we manage to work through an old belief system and deliver what life demands of us today? 

In life and work - our future is reliant on us having an opinion, it is reliant on you thinking outside the square and that you bring things to the table so that your voice can be heard. New solutions are required so that we can deliver a new success story. 

Today is the day where people are looking for a new voice, something original because the “same old, same old” is not going to bring around change.

Being prepared to have a voice does not mean that you lack respect for others. We are all calling for diversity, your voice is what creates that. Don’t’ allow your subconscious bias to drive you to silence. Don’t allow someone else’s potential subconscious bias to become your inner voice.

Be clear in your conviction. Hold your head up high and speak with confidence. This enables others to hear you with different lenses (yes lenses) as they not only hear your voice, they read your body and see your eyes. Your voice is the “whole” you.

You know you’ve got this! Stand tall and be heard.

When you have an opinion, it matters.

If you would like to create a team that can think and deliver outside of the norm and you are prepared to create a new aged Alpha generation, reach out so we can deliver.




Empowerment: Changing one step at a time