Actions create change: Are you ticking a box or part of a movement?

Change, Diversity, Leadership, Mentorship, are words and transformations that are being talked about across all business forums. I often wonder if we all mean the same thing?

Please reflect, dig deep, and share your thoughts.

Whilst this may have some confronting aspects it is only through genuine reflection, thought, and honesty that we may truly consider what the above means to us as individuals, and as businesses across the globe.

Corporation’s across the world (Public and Private) have all embraced various initiatives in working collaboratively, becoming more diverse, being inclusive, establishing mentorship programs, having a “buddy” and a “career advisor” etc, but at the core of everyday life are these changes actually being embraced and modelled or are we just simply ticking a box?

This is a difficult discussion and I know that we consider all steps forward a positive one, but unless we are committed, passionate, and genuinely prepared to model the values of these transformations and be a significant contributor we are merely part of a chain that talks but does not walk the talk.


Are we falling short? Are we sending the wrong message? Are we modelling history but with a different mask?

When I look at industries that have made significant breakthroughs in recent years like IT, Engineering, Finance, Aerospace (just to name a few), I look to see who is sitting around the boardroom table to make decisions and then reflect back to my initial question. Do we mean the same thing?

When we have people within our teams, within our businesses that are developing breakthrough initiatives and creating solutions that are beyond our own skillset, why are we not encouraging them and supporting them to have a voice at the same table that we sit? Why are we not engaging them and empowering them to share their thoughts as we talk about business strategies and planning the future?

When we bring different minds together, these collaborations elicit a very different outcome. It is not just a change for the topic at hand, but it creates different creativity and thought processes for the young person who developed the new tool, the new App the new process. They are being mentored to become a new type of leader, a new type of inventor.  

I was recently asked about mentorship and who I have as my mentor and as I responded to that question a colleague sought clarity as to why I included some of my mentors as “Mentors”.  Let me explain, I have several people acting in that capacity to me, and I am sure most of you do too however I specifically named 2 people who are half my age as my mentors and I will explain why.

We are living in a fast-paced environment where we cannot be champions of all things. I also accept that my skillsets are different to that of others, and in this case, most definitely different to that of a “20 something-year-old” and whilst I am happy to learn from them, I also understand the need for me to continue to build on my existing strengths. So simultaneously I am empowering those around me with different skillsets to develop theirs.  

Mentorship, Leadership and Empowerment work in a 360 degree, and we can only succeed if we are prepared to allow our next generation to see how we embrace change, true change, and lift them up so that they too are on the same journey with us. The power here is that they will adapt faster than what we have, and this creates a faster change as they journey through life. It also enables inclusive and collective thoughts and actions to occur not only within their own environment but on a global basis.

Allowing our next generation to sit beside us and at times to lead is a true reflection of what we have been talking about, anything else would appear to be more like control.

In small businesses, especially when we have a family business, we tend to see an inclusive pattern occur more frequently, particularly with multiple generations working within the business. Parents tend to understand the need to hand over and allow the younger generation to run with things and make changes whilst they step back to mentor, guide, and support. It is about passing on the baton and not being focused on themselves.  

Adopting a “parent model” in business is difficult as we all need to be on the same journey so that we can ensure it succeeds. I know that everyone will not be able to step up either, but we must at least promote, enable, and empower our youth so that we at least create the space for them to shine. Give them a seat at the next Boardroom meeting. Encourage them to have a voice and listen to what they have to say.

Inclusive behaviours enable and encourage thought and creativity.

When you next sit at the boardroom table, look around and see who the new faces are, as they are the faces of your next generation. At that moment you can be assured that you are the leader that you were meant to be.

 Movement with impact. Creating a footprint for others to follow.


Being the Whole of You

