Being the Whole of You

Happy New Year everyone. Being the “whole “you in Business and in Life allows people to know who you are.

Most of you would know me through my extensive background in Finance, Operations, efficiencies and perhaps as a Counsellor or other aspects of my career, but knowing me on a personal basis especially over the past 5 years, will have seen you gain a better understanding of what grounds me and how I bring my personal experience to the way I do business.

My staff, friends and colleagues who me as a whole, know my strengths and how I look at challenges and I bring this into the way I do business. When we come from a place of “of adding value” and being true to those around us and, ensuring they achieve their goals, objectives and personal growth, we engage in a different way.

This is who I am as a person and when I give my time to you it is with the whole of me, just like when I work with children who are at risk and have been abandoned.

We are facing some challenging times ahead in business and the path forward may not always be clear especially when we are in the heart of it.

When we know we need help, first, we must be prepared to acknowledge it and secondly we must be prepared to ask. 

In my personal life, I strive to make the lives of babies and children in Africa a better place and this will always be a passion; it is my personal journey and it is a lifelong project that I am undertaking. This however does not and will not be my only focus as I engage with business, people and their teams to improve their lives here.

I am also aware of my obligation to help those in need with food, clothes and time with the fires across our country and encourage you to reflect on what you too can do.

When we lead and show others, our children, our friends that every small thing amounts to so much more, we can achieve great things in life and in business.

Working with people, like they are your family will instil great values and behaviours to all around you.

Being the whole of you will make a difference.


Communication, Engagement, and Empowerment


Actions create change: Are you ticking a box or part of a movement?