4 ways to help you become the best version of you

We all believe in the saying “Nobody’s perfect” but we are often guilty, admit it or not, of unfairly comparing ourselves to others, thinking that they are better, or more successful than us. However, in that simple thought, we create a very simple belief: we are not good enough. And we begin to devalue ourselves, leading to us feeling less satisfied and doubtful of our own strengths and capabilities.

I have also shared those thoughts and felt those moments. Uncertain of making the right decisions in my career; leaving a stable job and developing my idea of what would be Solutions2You today.

It was a tough decision to make and I had to ask myself:

“What if this choice holds me back?”

“What if I fail? What if I fail others?”

“How do I start doing this perfectly so that others will succeed?”

These were some of the questions that I contemplated as I worked towards my vision. Looking back, I am glad that I stopped worrying and comparing myself to others and what I thought they had achieved. Stopped comparing my “internal dialogue” to others’ “external dialogue” .

I focused on creating and achieving my forward journey with clarity and passion.

So rather than comparing yourself to others and contemplating on not being “perfect”, it would be great to focus your energy in rediscovering yourself and identifying the path you’ll take to become the best version of you. 

Check out these four empowering beliefs you can follow towards becoming the best “YOU” today!

1. Look inward and don’t compare your reality with other people’s external representation

In a time where social media plays a role in who we are or who we portray to be, it is easy to fall into these patterns. Remember, some of them could be masking their real-life situations.

As humans we like to connect and we use photos to show how we are doing in life. We sometimes become intrigued by how others portray their lives. However, we have no real gauge of what their reality is, especially from an outward appearance.

Of course, we should wish others well but if the way that they engage is not aligned with your values it is best to allow those filters to go unseen.

2. Conquer your fears and don’t allow them to be your driver

Choices we make in life are driven either by pleasure or fear.

Fear or rejection is so strong that fMRI studies have shown that it triggers the same part of the brain as when you experience real physical pain so it stands to reason that we try to avoid any form of fear or rejection.

Find tools that help you work through the things that hold you back. When we recognise these patterns look to change the emotion that is attached to that action and replace it with a positive outcome/ experience. We can also look at what the outcome is when we succeed and what pleasure will be achieved from that success despite having to overcome fear.

When we can tell ourselves a positive outcome, we will be able to work through any barrier.

3. Tell a better narrative

Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NPL is such a powerful tool. You have heard people say “thoughts become reality”. Your self-talk has to be constructive and positive. The language that you use “be it in your head or out loud” impacts your outcome. Provide yourself with a positive outcome.

Do not tell yourself that you are not talented enough. Rather, tell yourself you can make things happen and visualise yourself in that position.

4. Keeping your own lawn watered

As the saying goes “the grass is not always greener on the other side”. but if we stop taking care of our own lawn it will look that way.

When you start to water your lawn and take out any weeds, your lawn will start to thrive. Perhaps you can focus on cultivating your own skills and investing in yourself, rather than focusing on what others have. Invest your time in being your best version.

Comparing yourself to others does not create the footprint you are wanting to make. Believe in what you are doing and provide yourself with a path forward. Your journey is ahead of you, leap out and take charge knowing you will succeed. Give it a try!

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