Challenging times enable us to step outside of our comfort zone

When I lived with the Maasai in Ngorongoro Tanzania some 5 years ago, there were many times that I questioned my ability to make a difference, to add value or even to begin to understand what the best way forward was. Challenging times, no matter what or where they are, enables us to step out of our Comfort Zone and to leave our past habits behind.

These times, whilst difficult, provide us with an opportunity to ask ourselves "what else". They create a heightened sense of awareness if we allow it. When we look beyond "us", beyond the impact these circumstances have on us as individuals, and look at what we can do differently to help someone else, we will behave differently. It will be a better version of ourselves.

I encourage leaders everywhere to keep your heads up, and create opportunities to bring different people to your boardroom as they may be the voice that has yet to be heard. It may just be that one voice that will enable you to find a way forward that had not been considered before.

Don't look for shortcuts. Be proactive about your future and the future of those around you. Plan today and prepare your team, develop your staff now. Rushing to make a decision is driven by fear to reach a solution and this behaviour leads to past patterns. Let’s look at working with clarity and with intent.

Our actions need to be outlined with absolute clarity and this can only occur when we take the time to bring the right people together, bring experienced leaders together who also ensure that all aspects of your business are listened to.

In my recent speaking engagements, I talked about having an ability to listen so that we understand, rather than listening to respond. There is a fundamental difference between the two and when we can master that we enable ourselves to see the "what else" .

As a "Western Woman" living in a male environment filled with traditions (whilst with the Maasai), it was wonderful to listen so that I understood. What was even more valuable was when I allowed moments of absolute silence, creating opportunities for space. To think and reflect (not to react). It was through these moments that I found clarity in the most challenging times of all.

We are all in the same situation, we can either help each up or we can look at the alternative, but I must say that my values are always to lift those around us.

I do not fear other peoples views. I appreciate differences as it enables me to consider "what else" . Ak yourself what else and listen to what may come back.

Whether you are an SME's or existing long standing multi nationals, revisiting your existing processes and encouraging new lenses to be presented at the boardroom table is a great way to keep your staff, "your people" motivated and encouraged. Don't push back different strategies or forward thinking initiatives as these are what will bring people together.

People that "hunt together, eat together". Create a strong tribe and ensure you show up in all your interactions. Be mindful, fully present and be open to other points of view.

Your thoughts and comments are always welcome, so feel free to share.


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