Change is about us and how we embrace it

If we can be consistent, and show others what changes we are seeking, they too will follow. Embracing change and accepting it is part of our everyday life means that we look at change in a positive light and when we can do that we behave in a proactive way. 

Knowing and accepting things change in our lives and in business enables us to be nimble and to be agile and this creates a pattern that allows us to think outside of the square.

The reality is that change is here to stay and to be honest, is most likely to come at a more rapid pace, so let’s build that into our strategy, let’s anticipate the "what if" so that we have a base to start with when change occurs.

Planning ahead in business creates a Blueprint - its the road map that has everyone in the same car travelling at the same time, so let’s add "change" to the journey and anticipate a bump so that everyone knows where we are going and what each person role is when that occurs.

Allowing people to share in the journey, gets "buy-in" and makes them feel trusted and valued and when we do that we also have loyalty.

Let’s create a shared vision and a united path forward.

IFA Strategy Day Brisbane, you were wonderful attendees, sponsors and speakers. Thank you for making me part of your Speakers line up.


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