A mentor unravels the grand pianist in you.

Most of us have some form of music in our lives and we are moved by it. The piano itself is the vehicle but the person sitting next to it is the one that creates the music. A beginner clearly does not create the same music as that of a grand pianist but nonetheless is the one who patiently sits and practices with someone guiding them along the way so that they can achieve a piece of music that brings joy to others around them.

This is the type of journey that we as professionals occasionally have. I was fortunate to have mentors in my life, personally and professionally, and in many ways, they taught me the notes of a piano – but in business.

Knowing what you want for yourself in life and as a career may not always be easy, just as it is not always easy to sit behind a piano and figure out which notes to hit on the keyboard to get a nice piece of music out.

A piano teacher sits patiently by your side and helps navigate the steps you need to take, reading notes, understanding them, and guiding where to position your hand so that your fingers can find the keys. So too will a good Mentor – a good Business advisor.

It is extraordinary how someone else can unravel a grander future right before your eyes – one that you perhaps had not even contemplated.

When I am asked “I have tried this or that, What can you do for me?”, this is what I say. “I cannot talk to what others before may or may not have done. I can only share my experiences and success stories with you knowing that I will be there to help navigate you to where you need to be. The path forward is one that may be winding but it will be your path. You need to trust in you because I will trust in you and I will call you on what you aren’t saying as much as what you are saying”.

Trust in where you are going – not in where you have been.

Trust in you and in your path ahead.

Reach out to book your free 15min consultation.


Managing it all


2020WON - Taking the first step to success