Steering the Vision with an Inclusive Approach

There is much discussion in today’s corporate arena on Wellness, Inclusiveness and Diversity and it is encouraging that so many companies are adopting and embracing these changes. However, we are still at the beginning and we can review, refine and share in the successes.

So, as we look at these amazing initiatives and compare their implementation across the workplace I ask if we have placed the same importance on their rollout that we would with any other project?

How have we engaged with our people to make these changes happen before they are implemented? Was there been an inclusive approach? Was the team spearheading these initiatives a good reflection of the diverse group of people within your company? Did we identify the potential risks and obstacles and what are the mitigants?

When we are given the opportunity to champion a cause that is so significant and impactful on the company and all of its people, it is valuable to ensure that you secure a seat at the table so that everyone is represented within the company. Your newest recruit will provide lenses quite different to that of your more senior employees and that is where the value is added. A shared journey becomes one that is believed and will have longevity.

I encourage Leaders to be more inclusive of their staff and to have a genuine interest not only in their career path but also in their well-being. You hold a position of trust and power and how you exhibit these with others will define what footprint you leave behind so that others may follow.

Change, in most corporate environments, creates a sense of anxiety and at times elicits fear, so ensuring that the vision and purpose are shared across the company from the onset with a good representation of your people, will see the changes being embraced and believed at the company’s core.  

You hold the power, and when you chose to share it, opportunities are created that empower those around you. Steering a company or a team is not always easy, but when you bring others along on the journey the ride becomes so much better and they too are all the better for it.

Be part of the leadership team that genuinely makes a difference by lifting others.


Connections, Collaboration, and Commitment


Courage, Disappointment, Expectations, and Leadership