Connections, Collaboration, and Commitment

In life, we cross many paths and thousands of people, and I am constantly reminded of how powerful those moments are and how some of us take the opportunity to get to know the people we meet.

How many of us take the time to listen and ask questions so that we can truly begin to know the person that we have just connected with? How many of us ask questions to see if we can benefit from the connection rather than what we can do for them?

How many people genuinely enjoy finding out about the other person to see if they can do something for them, not for money, just because they can?

In our personal lives we do that for friends and family so why not in business?

There is nothing more empowering than being able to connect people who have a mutual interest and can benefit from an introduction to one another. Think about how many people you know that can support someone else to achieve their goals. Think about the impact you may have on their relationships and what else may roll on from that introduction?

When you sit on a bus, plane or train rather than being transfixed on your phone, or music or the news feed, look up and say hello. Send out an inviting gesture …. oh let’s see a smile and maybe something as simple as a hello.

It costs nothing to smile or say hi and yet most of us are reluctant to do that. Sure, you might get some people stare at you like you are strange but the reality is that, as people we all want to connect. Most of us have forgotten how to do that and have put up barriers. We fear that people may think we are odd or weird or even that we are trying to coerce them into something, but if you come from a position of “service” your impact will make a change – maybe not today but most certainly as time moves on.

I recently met a stranger at the airport – our flight was delayed and there was no communication as to what was happening so we had a conversation about what may have been the cause and then an announcement was made. Oddly that same individual ended up seated next to me. Coincidence? Maybe.

Whilst the flight took off there was an incident behind us, which lead to us both acknowledging the dialogue so we made eye contact and exchanged a few words. He was tired and fell asleep.   Half way to our destination he woke up and we opened a casual dialogue. This gentleman was fascinating and worked in an industry I had no previous exposure to, but his passion and vision was something that I could relate to.   He was in transit from O’seas and was flying back home via Sydney. We shared some experiences in business and talked about some personal things and as the plane landed he gave me his card and extended an invitation to catch up when I was next in Melbourne.

As I jumped into the car to my appointment several things occurred. A string of people crossed my mind and how meeting this gentleman could lead to ways that I could connect him so he could achieve some of his goals. I also had several other thought patterns; I had friends in Melbourne that I thought he would get on well with and then another thought ran across my mind. ….. I had recently met someone who had mentioned in her introduction to me that she was looking at launching another business. This business that she had mentioned was exactly what this gentleman did.

As I wrapped up my work in Melbourne the following day, I had established that an introduction between the two parties may lead to a mutually beneficial outcome. I contacted each party individually to make sure they were open to the suggestion and then introduced them via email.  This led to a face to face meeting the following week between the two of them and well who knows where it will end up, but it was a connection that serves them both.

A casual conversation and being open to meeting new people and listening to their journey and their story can enable you to connect people. There does not need to be anything else. There is enough power and satisfaction in that simple gesture.

Sometimes our fear of what others may think or say about us, especially in a new environment prevents us from making connections. I am by no means an extrovert, so please let me share that with you, but I am passionate about people and looking at how I can add value wherever I can.

I also would like to share another incident which I will elaborate on another occasion with you. I met two sisters in Uganda whilst I was sitting with my daughter at a lodge one afternoon. We are from different parts of the world but now I would say that they are two of my dearest friends. They live in the USA but that does not prevent us from seeing one another and staying in touch. Connection is real and most certainly valuable. You just need to be open to creating them.

Life is about opportunities, and what we do with them. For me, it is about how and when these situations arise what and how I can add value.

Share your story and see how you can make a difference for someone else. There is more power in connecting other people than you can possibly imagine.

Stay committed, look at opportunities to collaborate and embrace your connections with a view to serve.


Be the Change you want to see in the World


Steering the Vision with an Inclusive Approach