Responsible and authentic leadership, people, culture, and grit

Our actions today will determine our future so let's look inwards and identify how we can be part of the change we so desperately want to see in others.

Responsible and authentic leadership, people, culture and grit is what we need now, even more so than ever. We lead through example, through our actions that align with what we say. We need our people to see we have their back.

Reciprocity is a powerful tool, it’s the key that enables people around us to mirror actions. If at any moment you have wanted your managers, your executives or even your peers to find a voice to support you, the best you can to is to lead the way by showing them how.

Don’t just follow the “grind”, don’t use language that you hear others use if it doesn’t bring the right results for those around you. Whilst you may think others have the power, the reality is that you can manage and control the outcome by leading the way. That is how we manage power.

People over processes

Go against the grain and make time for your people. You might have products and processes but without people, you don’t have a culture and you don’t have a business.

Cutting a meeting short that was dedicated to listening to them is not acceptable, no matter what else is going on for you. This is their time and you owe it to them to give them the attention that they deserve. 

Stop and listen.

Listen because those loyal people too are busy and juggling everything and they need to be heard. Building the courage to have an open conversation with you about what is going on for them can be tough and you need to validate everything they are experiencing.

As a leader, you need to earn their trust and only once you’ve listened to their experiences and walked in their shoes can that trust develop.

Create a new way to deliver

We are currently experiencing change like we have never experienced before. This can be overwhelming but that doesn’t mean we should hold back. 

In these unprecedented times, your people need to see that they are recognised for their efforts. Those milestones, those KPI's, those KRA's, sure they all need to be acknowledged but today’s circumstances also mark the time to lead with a new vision.

You now need to recognise your people for what they are continuously doing, not just their KPIs

  • For being on the front line.

  • For continuously stepping up.

  • For relentlessly showing up.

  • For having your back.

Today is not about sales KPI’s, today is about how your people have turned up and supported you to achieve your goals in keeping the business open, in talking and listening to your clients, in setting their personal struggles aside to keep things moving forward, in skipping lunch, in sitting at their desk, dining table or bedroom for hours every single day because that is what we needed them to be doing.

If your people are shinning, it's time to recognise them despite whatever else is going on, because of whatever else is going on.

If they deserve the accolades then call it out and recognise them beyond the old KPI on a probably out of date job description. More so now than ever, we need to lead our people by recognising the small things and remaining consistent in showing them that they truly matter. Creating impact in small bursts will keep your people, your tribe moving forward with you. When we talk about achievements, it inspires others and creates a path for others to follow. 

Now is not the time to hide behind unachievable targets. Now is the time to respond, adapt and create new benchmarks to show your people how much they matter and how their actions, no matter how small, are keeping the business going.

Let’s be the change we want to see in the world.


Becoming an entrepreneur: A story of change, hindsight and collaboration


The importance of language in crisis and during Covid19