People, Purpose, and Power

Have you ever felt that there may be something that you may have missed, or that someone else knows something and they are not sharing?

At times we reflect on our outcomes of any one event and compare them to that of others not knowing exactly what has occurred for the other person to make them succeed on that occasion.

This happens more often than people realise. Particularly in today’s fast-paced social media platform.

I have found that when we are prepared to share our vision and passion with others, our people, it not only creates a bond but enables that vision to come to fruition.

Research tells us that when we work as a collective and when we share our goals, it provides purpose. Purpose to you and to those involved. When people know that they are part of a journey and their actions will have an impact and will make a difference, the way in which they engage is different. It is stronger and it is with intent.  

When we engage with intent it provides us with power, inner strength and this leads to clarity and commitment.

We all have the ability to look externally, but we know that when we look inward, we can draw on the most powerful strength. A strength that lasts longer and a strength that will then continue to grow.

Looking at things from the surface does not give insight into what others have endured to get to where they are, it does not enable us to see how many times they have attempted the same thing and fallen short. It only allows us to see the end result.

Sharing your journey, engaging people from the start to be a part of it, and allowing them to step up and provide support will create a team that can achieve significant things.

Challenges will be viewed as opportunities to create solutions. Obstacles will be tackled with an opportunity to look at ways to be more efficient.

When we include people and give them a purpose, we create a strength both internally and externally that is seen as power.

Take the time to share your vision, people want to help, and together you will be an incredible team.


Turning Advice into Action


Communication, Engagement, and Empowerment