Knowing your place of genius and your worth

Find your place of genius and play in that space as this will bring you joy.

What does that mean?

I know the places where I work at my best. It’s the place where I step into my “Matrix” and create my magic; It’s where I am the most valuable; It’s my place of greatest impact; It’s where I know how to play BIGGER and to think limitlessly.

It is also where I know I can stand alongside others that stand in their place of genius and together we create global impact.

My vision is bigger than me. I know that when I play in that space it brings me joy and I live in flow.

Yes, it can be that simple. Nothing that I do needs to be hard, and it’s not, when you become Intentionally Conscious about who you want to become.

These two things align for me.  Being Intentionally Conscious allows me to play to my strengths. I might be good at several things, but again, finding that pinhead on that needle allows me to find others who align in values to know my value, just as much as it allows me to know their value. This is how we play bigger and think limitlessly.

This is how ego takes a step back and we collaborate for Global Impact.

My worth is in what I can do for others so that they can play in their place of genius, but before we get there, we need alignment.

Know your value

Value begins with you, not what others tell you, not what others are prepared to pay you. I have been known to pass on opportunities despite being offered to be paid large sums of money because I know my worth and I know my value. Most of all I know the impact I aim to make so my assessment looks at all of these aspects when I look at where I choose to play.

If I am not aligned with my true self and what I believe in, then I am not only compromising who I am as a person, but I sit in a place of dichotomy. My messaging (internal and external) is confusing, my values are compromised, and I dilute who I have chosen to become. 

There are key values that I align with: Ethics, Integrity, Respect. These are all based on conscious awareness, curiosity, acceptance, and choices. Knowing where you stand begins your process of knowing your value and leads you to your place of genius.

These all come from within, so nothing you see, read or are being “sold” will dis-way you. 

Value is based on the intention you want to achieve from the gift, service, or impact you want to create. 

Attachment to value

I know you are now wondering what this means. Great, you are now curious. 

Value tends to be associated with dollars which is an interesting lens to view your worth. It is after all what we have been led to believe. We value ourselves based on the salary we earn, the title we hold and the assets we possess but is this true value? Who sets that benchmark? Why do we allow others to tell us what we are worth?

Why is it that we are continuously subjecting ourselves to compare who we are and what we do, to someone else so that we know what we are worth? 

Does it really matter what others do?  I would welcome this discussion as I am now curious too.

This is what keeps the 1% of the world accumulating greater wealth and what creates the division of humanity. There is no value that someone else can place on you if you don’t let them. 

Valuing you rests with you and when you begin to see your unique proposition, others begin to see it too. It is not about “staying in your lane” as the world has told you, but about discovering the one thing that you alone can only do, and when you do it, there is nobody else that does it like you. It is your place of genius. When you stand in it, things come naturally. 

This is what I call living in flow.

Living in flow

Living in flow means standing in a place where you know that no matter what is happening around you, the chaos, the challenges, the obstacles, you will be able to navigate through it. When you are operating in your place of genius, you see through the fog and navigate around anything. You not only flow but you also are filled with joy.

This is not ego that you are feeling, it is pure joy. Because you are standing alongside others who are aligned with you and together creating something bigger than you. The impact creates a positive ripple that enables everyone involved to rise at the same time.

As you can see, your value cannot be determined by someone else who does not share your values, your vision, and your commitment to yourself and to others around you. Your value becomes so much more than the skill, service, or product because it is not about you but the impact that it creates.

This is how we bring values into the very essence of what we do. Because we alone know our real worth based on what is important to us. 

The next time someone looks to negotiate a deal with you, know what value you want to bring to the table. For example, when I run my “Raise the Baseline” programs I know my worth by knowing the impact I can create.  

I alone stand in that space because it is my time and my effort and I adjust as I go based on who I am in the presence of. 

Will you now step forward knowing your place of genius and your worth?


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Understanding who you want to become