How to create certainty in your life

If there is one thing that is certain in life it is that there is uncertainty in everything.

I am not sure how that will land for you but it is shared with the intent that it will give you comfort in that we are all here together.

When I share my experiences and knowledge as I work with people from across the globe (CEO’s Board’s and Teams), it is the same message that I share with small businesses, adults and children locally. My message does not change depending on the audience, I do not choose to share a little here and bit there. It is about gifting all that I know no matter age, career or location.

It is about being consistent and deliberate.

This act alone creates certainty.



How certainty plays a role in who we are and what we do

Creating certainty is about being clear with what you want, just as much as what you don’t want. It is like the “Black & White” discussion. We all know there is a lot of grey in between so this is where I play. I create my “Black and White” – I call this my boundaries, and then I play in the “grey” in between. This is how I create and innovate and work in my place of genius. This is how we learn to live to our fullest and know that we are aligned with our values.

The Certainty of change is known, so what would your path and life be like if you accepted that?

How much more eases would there be for you in the choices that you make when you know your BLACK & WHITE?

I work with high performers, who want to strive for more, I work with teams who want to innovate and think about the unthinkable. Having a limitless belief is not about “pie in the sky stuff” it is about a pursuit of excellence and structure. As I create certainty with boundaries and accept that there will be things in between that change or even fail, we begin the path, the strategy that embraces a mindset that has the ability to think critically and can mitigate risk. I call this forward-thinking.

Responding vs reacting

These measured actions form part of the formula that is fed into the practices that I show people. Whilst you might acknowledge the theory that sits behind this simple point of difference, it is the acting out of it that will deliver the outcome that you seek.

Words are powerful and will bring about change, but if we do not follow through with actions, we fall short in our commitment and commitment is what is needed to succeed.

The choice to “respond” is about planning ahead. The choice to “react” is to take action as it arises. We all know that when we respond the outcome comes from a place of clarity therefore the decisions we make will deliver a better outcome.


Choosing what you see and what you do

We all have the ability to pause and question whether we have a blind spot. What we do with that knowledge will make a difference. Leaving it for tomorrow becomes another “reaction” yet we often will find an excuse as to why we cannot plan ahead.

No matter how much you know there is someone else who can provide some added value or a different perspective. It is through these discussions that we bring about innovation.

I have been privileged to be entrusted by many influential people over the years, many with a wealth of knowledge but their ability to seek out advice and guidance reflects their humility in better understanding others and the GREY part that sits between their black & white. Their strength is to seek out a different lens and to be open to “what else?”.


Creating your certainty

No matter who you are, opening the door to a new voice and a new perspective allows you the opportunity to create and innovate and it is through friction and differences that new things are discovered. So, if you want certainty, you must be prepared to welcome what is now known and to what else may be out there that is different. To be open to potential.

  • When you employ more people like you, you see what you already know

  • When you listen to people who agree with you, you will not hear a different perspective

  • When you follow a process that has worked historically you will not open the door for disruption, innovation, change and efficiencies

  • When you make decisions and don’t ask for input, you may need to go back to the start

We all have the ability to be certain of things. We just need the framework and the right people to show us how we can play and have joy with the grey in between because therein lies the certainty that there is more for us to learn.


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