From Dreams to Impact

How can you transform your dreams into the life you deserve while creating the impact you want to see in the world?

How do you take what you feel in your belly, together with the images and words that float in your head and create the impact you are want to make?

For most of us, when we think about BIG dreams and creating impact, we think about something that is so much bigger than us. And, more importantly, it is usually not about us but about the impact that we want to make for others.

I hear you. I know where you are because I have been there. Whilst your vision may not be the exact journey as mine, the path forward is the same.

So, where do we start?

Well, it really is quite simple: We ask for help. 

No journey forward can be achieved, or enjoyed for that matter, alone. Whilst it starts with you, taking one step at a time and impacting one person at a time, the real impact is created when we take others along with us. 

We need to be stretched, challenged, and encouraged along the way and this is why it is so important to have the right people with you.

So here are some questions to ask yourself.

  • What are you doing today that you want to change? Be specific

    • The life you lead

    • The type of work you do

    • With whom?

    • Your relationship with money and how it manifests with you

    • Time - Do you control it or does it control you?

  • Do you know HOW to make the change?

    • Who else needs to be involved?

    • What else do you need in knowledge/ skill/ tools?

    • What will it cost?

    • When does this need to happen?

There will be many more things to consider along the way, but I find those questions a good enough start.

Share Your Vision

Here is what I have learnt: when you do things alone you ensure that you stay safe in the driver’s seat but it doesn’t bring about change and it doesn’t allow you to think LIMITLESSLY.

Be clear in what you want from yourself. Don’t hold back. Be also clear in what you need from those around you. If you don’t tell them what you need how do you expect them to offer it? 

Here is the truth serum: You may see the path forward but you need to know how to communicate it so that those around you know how they can contribute too. Ask them for the specific help you need. Share your vision. 

I know it is frightening to put it out there, but that is why I am sharing my journey with you. I want to help as many Entrepreneurs, Visionaries, Thought Leaders and Leaders leap forward rather than orbiting in a place that sits inside their head. I want you to create impact faster.

Respond, don’t react

I have walked your path and I have talked your talk and I know now that it’s time to step out and be seen. Yes, I do this with measured steps but I don’t and won’t allow doubt and fear to be my drivers. There is so much more that can be achieved by focusing on what is really needed in the world. 

Your inner critic will pop up and it’s ok. That is really just there to keep you playing small – but now, you know that you can play BIG and that someone will be there to guide and support you along the way.

This is where you start to make decisions that come from a place of responding rather than just reacting.

Here is something else that I have learnt along the way: When you are prepared, you respond. The decision that you make come from a position of clarity. You make strong and balanced decisions. However, if you are simply reacting, you risk making emotive and clouded decisions that will not serve your best interests.

Don’t hold back take that first step and be the person that you want to see in the world.

The one that leads others and is prepared to create an impact.


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