Giving Back

A life-changing journey

A Personal Journey


Our Journey began with two different goals and as time progressed we joined our vision. In 2014, my daughter at the age of 17 had a vision of taking time off after she finished school (that year) to do some charity work.

Her research led her down a path of selecting a few countries across the world and she ultimately selected Tanzania. Of course, this was about the time that Ebola had broken out and it caused much unrest and concern amongst the family however, she was pretty determined and committed. With some slight changes to departure dates and timeline of working with the Maasai, her journey began and I, her mum, joined her later in her journey

The Maasai people and the Tanzanian’s in general are gracious and gentle and we were incredibly grateful for being able to be a part of their lives (Cerissa was there for almost 3 months whilst I was there for almost 2 months). This experience was such an enriching one, it left an imprint that will be there for the rest of our lives.


Upon returning from this journey, we were both overwhelmed with grief and a sense of disbelief of the life that we live. It took us several months to get back into a routine (with different lenses though) and in how we look at what we do each day and how we contribute to life in general.

Through Ingenium, we decided to join our interest and passion for the environment and the footprint that we leave for generations to come with our quest in helping fight poverty and supporting education in communities less fortunate.


Thank you for sharing in our vision and leaving a different footprint behind for your family and loved ones and for sharing in the vision to help raise awareness about poverty at grass roots.

If you have any questions or would like to support our Projects in Tanzania we welcome your thoughts and feedback and any support that you can provide.

With much love, Cathy & Cerissa