With work comes reflection and the moment to pause.

This month has brought me back to the place where I feel at home. It’s strange I know, but when you do what you love and it loves you back, you know you are on the right track. Being in Africa, in Tanzania, does that for me.

It has been more than 3 years since I was last here and whilst the world stopped travel, I did not stop my commitment to the difference I wanted to make there. As the pandemic shut everything down, I became intentionally conscious of the lifelong work I wanted to do here.  

You see, my father passed away from a tragic fall as we went into lockdown. This reminded me that if we want to make a difference in the world, we need to take real action.

Taking Action

So many people look at the things I do and want to do them too. They have ideas and they have passion but they don’t take action. Everything is possible when you are committed to doing what you want and are prepared to invest in yourself and set aside time and money to get you there (with the right people). For me, that was to encourage people I knew in Tanzania to gather their friends and colleagues, whose values aligned with mine to take action. 

I ran online workshops on leadership, mental health, negotiating and general management techniques. I did this pro-bono for the people in Africa as I knew that I could make a difference. If I could change their outlook, they could change the outlook for others. This led to me realising I could do MORE! 

As I am engaged to coach high-profile people across the world and to help them in their businesses, why couldn't I do it for future leaders in Africa? Why couldn't I also add another layer and develop programs for children? Together with a friend of mine we created programs for children and enhanced them so that they became programs over several age groups so that they could then have building blocks, just like the education system does across other areas. 

This was no longer going to become a casual approach, it would become something that would outlast my lifetime. These programs are run by Solutions2you under the banner of Raise the Baseline. This is my philanthropy work for schools that do good. I pay local people (western salaries) whom I have trained to run my programs over several weeks as I could not be there during the pandemic, but this year I showed up to run the last module with them.

The Importance of Showing Up

Showing up is about being present. No matter what you do in life, it’s about being committed to doing what you do consistently. It’s about knowing the outcome you want to achieve and the exact thing you want to impact so that someone else benefits from what you leave behind. This year, I made a choice to enhance the lives of more people and more children. So, as I planned, I thought carefully about who might benefit from joining me; whose values aligned and who else could share their story to equip those we met.

I scheduled visits to several schools across Arusha and Dar- Es- Salaam, I also ran two Financial Literacy Programs with over 100 people attending, all of who wanted to stay back and talk more after the event. 

In looking at what was achieved in these 3 weeks, I know the ripple effect it has made. I know that the lives of thousands of students have been impacted. Through feedback I know what the students have been able to take away but, more importantly, I saw it as I led the final session. The surprise on their faces as I entered the room was moving “How is it that the person we have seen on video standing in front of us?”  There is no greater feeling than the mutual respect that was shared at that moment. That is how I know what I am doing is creating an impact. 

The Ripple Effect

Helen is one of my facilitators on the ground and a dear friend, someone I trust and cherish. Together with Belinda, they helped me make these programs culturally suitable. If there is one thing I am committed to, it's to ensure that the “western lens” is not the future. Respecting each culture for who they are is a critical aspect of what I do and this is a thread that you will find in my books as well as something I share in my opening address in Intentionally Conscious Living. Creating a roadmap is not about forgetting where we come from. Creating a roadmap is about taking who you are forward from the lessons you have learnt. 

I shared earlier that I wanted to make this trip more impactful and that I did it because I had amazing humans alongside me. A ripple occurs when you can create a voice for others and allow them to share their voice and their vision with you. The ripple began on this trip as we began to also speak to schools about things that both the students and staff could take away. 

  • Helen Lukundo-Henry is based in Arusha, Tanzania and has come from an Insurance background now running her own Risk Assessment business and helping me facilitate the Raise the Baseline programs. She is also the founder of Bora International. Helen spoke about Becoming an emotionally intelligent leader and leading to positively impact others. Helen is a mum of two children and shares how you can be aware of your emotions and ensure that they leave a positive impact on those around you. You can find out more at  https://www.borainternational.co.tz/

  • Season Atwater from Utah, USA was one of the ladies who shared her powerful story. Her message was Using your skills to bring you purpose. Season is a professional photographer who used her skills to help families with children with disabilities tell their stories. She is a mother of four children, one of whom is a daughter with special needs. Season realised that she could use her skills to equip families worldwide to meet one another, create a community, and raise awareness. You can see more about Season through her website http://awareofangels.org/.

  • Leanne Murner is from Sydney, Australia and spoke about Breaking through barriers to get to where you want to be. Leanne talks about her education and not being an astute student but, through having five boys and a career that had many twists and turns, she landed where she is now meant to be: an educational children’s book author and a manufacturer of educational puzzles. Her life experiences have shown her that you can take away lessons and create the future that you want. She is now committed to changing her trajectory forward to educate children on the things that surround them: plants, animals, nature, the planets, and more. You can find more details on Leanne at https://www.5littlebears.com.au/

As to me, my talk was called When I let go of who I am, I become who I might be. The truth is that I have used my skills and the tools I have learnt as a Business Consultant with Financial Acumen and as a qualified Counsellor for most of my career to show others what is possible. The limitations we place on ourselves are the most defining things we do. Most people talk about what they want to do but hold back. Others do take action but only within their comfort zone. There are very few people who take action to their full potential and there are very few people who choose to pay for the privilege of accelerating their growth and potential. This is is why the rich get richer and the gap gets bigger in class across the world. 

Your mindset around money, who you are, and how you make it all work is the key to freedom. But first, you must choose who you want to be. My gift is showing people HOW and breaking down barriers. I help people become comfortable with being uncomfortable to become who they might be. 

Taking others on the journey with you

As you can see, I am a huge believer that when we collaborate, we can create a greater impact. For me, this is not just about the programs I run, it is not just about the Financial Literacy, or the Money Mindset Workshops and Programs I run, nor is it just about the Executive Coaching or Scaling businesses that I do, it is always about the impact I can make on those around me, and looking at opportunities to lift others around me as I rise. It is not good enough to do it after you've succeeded, as this is what many others do, you need to do it at the same time. Too many people aim to achieve something and then show others but, to me, that is like pretending to help while you make sure you stay ahead.

This is how I live life with joy because I know the choices I make are about walking alongside people to equip them to get to where they want to be. I know this is my gift so I have now chosen to be seen for it. I have been able to master how to do that, it’s my place of genius,  and my time in Tanzania is about leaving these tips and tools behind so that others may be able to do it too.

There are no limitations

When we develop children and encourage them to think bigger and beyond themselves, they begin their lives at a higher baseline. It is the reason why I have called these programs “Raise the Baseline”. Those who choose to bring my programs into their schools or to enrol in the programs privately show me that they are focused on enhancing children's lives and equipping them to be the leaders of the future. They will be that 5% that leads the world as they step into the workplace. 

In Africa, Tanzania and its surrounding countries are a focus for me as it is where I know the impact I can have on children, women, and businesses and that this will have exponential growth for the globe. Those that choose to collaborate with me are those who leave themselves behind and think about the impact that they can contribute on others.

There are no limitations in life, except the ones that we impose on ourselves and those around us. 

I hear people often say “I just need to….” Or “I don’t know how….”, the key is action.

If you keep doing what you have always done, why do you expect a different outcome? If you keep doing things on your own, how do you expect to achieve something new? Who is challenging you to do better? Who is stretching you? Who are you accountable to? Who has the courage to let you know that when you have not stretched enough?

The reality is that we are able to be stretched but first, we must choose to. Your family and your friends can support you, but truly can they stretch you? Will you listen and be accountable?

I leave a footprint behind, whilst I am creating a roadmap forward. This is what Tanzania is for me. This is what this trip is about. Enabling others to be heard and seen whilst I also share some of my tips and tools.

Here are some photos that I will share. You can see more and learn more by following me on social media or if you are serious about taking action, you can make an appointment and see if we are suitable to make a change in your life, your career, and your future.

Live a life of joy and never work a day in your life.

Make your energy flow and know where it goes and its impact on others.


Are you driving your business or is it driving you?


Financial Literacy is what brings you Economic Security