Pausing in life to better understand the people who cross your path

Do you pause in life?

Have you consciously taken the time to pause so that you better understand the reason why you have crossed paths with someone? I know we pause to say hello and perhaps even have a conversation but is this pause genuinely so that you better understand the person that is standing in your presence or a casual greeting to be polite?

It is by no coincidence that people cross our paths. At times people enter our lives for a short time but at other times they are there for life. In every instance they serve a purpose, but unless we pause and ask ourselves “why” we may never know. In fact, we may have missed an opportunity.


Better understanding is a universal quest

When I have shared this thought with others over the years, they reflect and begin to see patterns they have not been conscious of. They look at their network, their circle of influence and people who have drifted away and consider that perhaps none of this has been by sheer coincidence.

When we live life with intention, we create a ripple effect that reverberates out into the world and then bounces back with universal feedback, but when we sleepwalk through life, we miss opportunities to connect, learn and better understand the purpose we are here to serve.

We stay in a lower vibration and choose not to better understand the impact we are here to create. The universe whilst large is quite small and when we pause with intent, each connection brings us closer to where we’re meant to be.

This awakening has been an incredible journey for me that began when I consciously realised, I was doing myself a disservice by staying in a job that no longer fuelled my passion. However, I recognise that that job was part of the process and meeting the people that I needed to connect with to take me on this journey. Each step, each connection brings us learnings in life and in our careers. In fact, it allowed me to see exactly who I was choosing to be, just as much as who I didn’t want to be.


People and situations shape us just as much as we are shaped by who we choose to be

In every encounter, in every discussion, listening is the key. When we listen with intent, we hear what is said, just as much as what is not said. My counselling career showed me the power of pausing. Silence at times is difficult, yet so powerful.  First, we must learn to pause, then to create the space and this is then followed by being present.

In each of these instances, we can choose how we live life, but so often we live it on “automatic pilot.” It is the chase that prevents us from recognising where we are meant to be because that “auto-pilot” is about a destination rather than asking ourselves “what else?” and pausing to find the answers.

Life is fast-paced, but we can give ourselves time by pausing as this enables us to make better choices. The application of conscious choice triggers the question of “will this serve me?” and am I going in the wrong direction?

People that cross our paths may have an option that we have been searching for but when we live life through the lens of a flashlight camera, we miss what was in front of us as we only capture that fleeting second.

Over the past seven years, I have noticed the amazing humans that have crossed my path. Most have become dear friends. All have challenged me and enabled me to grow, but most importantly they have allowed me to better understand who I am choosing to be and the impact I want to make on the world and on humanity.

I have met people in Uganda, Nepal, United States, United Kingdom, Dubai, Perth, Sydney, Tanzania, India, Netherlands, New Zealand Ireland and more and each of them have truly enabled me to be clearer about what I need to do. In each instance, I have paused to better understand. This is not to say that there was instant clarity, but as time has lapsed more is becoming clearer.

One thing I do know is that is not always about me, so these connections are about bringing people together to vibrate higher on a global level.

Collaborations and connections bring a high vibration to humanity

We don’t live life singularly, we live as a collective and whilst we may think of community as our own town, city or country; the reality is that we live on one planet, and we all have an obligation to leave it in a better place than when we first entered it. That is our purpose in life – it is what we owe humanity.

Our crossing paths has not been by coincidence, the reason may not yet have disclosed itself, but I can assure you that if we have crossed paths it is because there is a universal force that is encouraging us to ask “what else” and “who else” we may need to bring together so that we can create a greater impact.

As you sit on a plane or meet a person in an Uber, or subway, pause to better understand, truly connect and then with intention keep them at top of your mind so that you can create a ripple effect that elevates humanity.

If I have resonated with you today, pause and look inward so that you too can better understand the intent that you want to step forward in life.

Share this with someone else, chances are they too have felt or experienced what you are feeling today.





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