Setting Things up for Success

This Marathon was more than just a race that saw Kipchoge break a record. This was a race that was run as a team with the vision that someone will succeed.

What a journey, what a sacrifice, what a remarkable plan. With rotating pacemakers around Kipchoge through the race so as to protect him against the wind, and with a pace car projecting laser beams onto the road surface so that the pacers knew exactly where they should be positioned at all time to ensure Kipchoge had every opportunity to succeed and break the record, there was nothing left to chance.

When we collaborate and share a vision, and plan ahead we can achieve so much more.

This is a story of triumph where so many were involved, and all could see that their personal contribution would create an opportunity that would see one individual succeed. Kipchoge has just shown the world that nothing is impossible and his fellow pacers were honoured to share in the journey.

Let’s take a leaf from their journey and look at ways that we can collaborate and work for good of the whole. Let’s all step up and lift just one person up along for the journey so that they too can do the same for someone else.

You can draw similarities between running a race to that of running a business. We all have goals, objectives and targets to meet. When we work alone, it makes the journey ahead challenging, but when we work as a team, collaborate and break things down, we most certainly lighten the load and the road ahead appears to be far more achievable.

We can protect one another from the wind and we can set each other up for success. How empowering that would be, to allow someone else to step up and be given the opportunity to shine and succeed in business.

When we outline things in a clear and concise way, we make things achievable. We share our skills and knowledge and show them that we will stand by their side to support them every step of the way, we can create a space for them to grow and develop. More importantly, we show them that we genuinely want to see them succeed and allow them to step up to the podium so that they take the spotlight.

We can go one step further and make sure that in the event that they miss the mark the first time, that we encourage them to try again. We ensure that we continue to stand by their side and support them to find new ways to push through so that they do succeed.

We need to show our people that we don't simply view success as an end result. It is in the way we engage, the way we lift those around us and the way in which we include all of our people as they all have something to contribute.

A shared journey makes for an incredible success story.


Empowerment: Changing one step at a time


Challenging the way we lead and sponsoring the right people