Living life in “Flow”

What is Flow?

I often share that I live life in “flow”. On the odd occasion, people ask me what that is or“What is it like to live life like that?”

I know that sometimes I speak “Cathy language” and it may not make sense to everyone. But that’s okay, we all talk in our own riddles, and I know that I certainly have my own. I live life knowing the outcome I want for myself and for others and, in doing so, I align my values so it’s easy for me to say “yes” but even easier to say “no”. 

When you know what you want to achieve for others in life, it allows you to create a clear path forward. This, in turn, allows you to live life in flow. I have clarity in the choices I make and this prevents me from chasing shiny objects that don't align with my objectives. 

You all know what those things are. The distractions. They are other people’s stories that distract you from where you want or choose to be. 

Values and Alignment  

I am clear on my values. I made a conscious decision that, when it came to values (ethics, integrity, respect), there was little to no room for them to be compromised. 

Curiosity has been my biggest driver. The constant pursuit of wanting to know more and to better understand whom I am in the presence of has allowed me to know that I don’t know it all. If I know what I want to achieve for others and for myself, though, I can stay on track.  This leads me to my place of genius and, in turn, I vibrate at a higher frequency that attracts like-minded people across the world. 

These values also prevent me from playing the game of chase and comparing myself to external influences. Looking inward enables me to reflect on the alignment I have with myself and this helps me play a bigger role for those I serve. 

At the core of every person are their values. When they take the opportunity to better understand what resonates for them and what brings them joy, they begin to have clarity on the way forward. If we dare to get out of our heads, look into our hearts, and feel what our gut, our second brain is telling us, we will find our personal values. It is only then that we will begin to honour who we truly are. 

Honouring self 

Values are personal and only we can decide what ours are. However, we rarely take the opportunity to explore these and this inactivity often leads to our boundaries being crossed and to disappointment. If we, as humans, cannot take the time to explore what brings us joy, then what are we placing value in? What can we possibly do in life to ensure that, as we step forward, we are living our best lives?

Living life in flow is living life with joy. I wake up each day with a smile on my face. It is not to say that I don’t face challenges or obstacles, as that is far from the truth, but with each challenge comes the opportunity to work out how to continue to get to my end goal. 

When you honour yourself by allowing yourself to choose who you want to become, you are able to face most things with the intention that what makes you stretch, grow, and do things that you have never done before, will strengthen you and equip you for what is yet to come.

Allowing yourself the opportunity to do what has never been done before enables you to honour yourself and to become the best version of yourself, rather than playing small and retreating to what you have always done.

We are not our job

So often I hear people introduce themselves by their career or job title, it is no wonder that we have an identity struggle as we don’t know who we are outside a job. We are so much more than a job but still, we place more importance on it than on who we are as people. 

This leads me to the emphasis that we place more value on external validation. As children, we watch the world around us and we see interactions of people, family, and friends. We begin life knowing competition at school through sports so we naturally reflect on our importance through the lens of where we are in society. This then makes it natural for us to compare who we are through the lens of our career or title, but surely that comes second to who we are as people.

What would happen if it stopped? What would happen if we placed value on who we choose to become by knowing the impact we wanted to make on the world? 

Knowing what impact we want to make on the world. 

This is a moment where I ask each of you to pause, look inwards, and remember that if you live life intentionally conscious, you are only comparing yourself today to who you were yesterday. Not to where someone else is. 

I believe that when we live life in flow, we know the impact we want to make in the world. This enables us to live with joy every single day. 

For more clarity in life, begin to ask yourself who you choose to be. If you want a roadmap and insight to help you get there, book in to create your roadmap with me as your journey has just begun. 

You can also start by ordering your copy of our Intentionally Conscious Living Journal.


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