Leadership Boost & Strategic Change

Effective communication and responsive listening are key contributors to true Leadership.

Organisations and their leaders continue to be faced with the need to stay relevant in today’s changing environment. As such, those adept at navigating and successfully leading change will surge ahead.

Strategy or change of any kind usually focuses on shifting the organisation’s vision and most likely their business processes and systems. As part of the process, one key aspect that is often forgotten is that of its staff. People play a significant role in the process, and knowing how to engage them is vital as this will either hinder or successfully change the journey.

Successful leadership identifies this at the onset and focuses on its staff and the interdependencies that each of its teams has in the process.  Change requires support and buy-in from everyone involved to ensure the desired outcome is achieved.  

Effective change incorporates behavioural adaptation together with systemic insight. Being able to bring clarity to each of these stages and investing meaningful time in your people and your culture will bring forward congruency values, behaviours, and the organisations vision.

 Starting at the very beginning, without any preconceived expectations and working in a consultative and inclusive manner is always a great starting point. Being committed to providing support and being aware of any potential blockers to achieving this change and exploring why the organisation is going through the change will bring significant benefits to the end result.

Are you prepared for your organisation’s successful changes?

  • Leading your staff through change. Behavioural change needs to be modelled at the top. To lead change effectively, leaders need to have the ability to communicate their vision and secure buy-in from their staff. Open and transparent communication helps facilitate this whilst remaining committed to the work, your people and the project. Be sure to build trust. Become the champion of your cause and empower your managers and their teams to engage and be a party to the changes that lay ahead.

  • Responsive listening. Leaders engaging with their staff and who are prepared to listen (this may not come naturally to everyone) will provide opportunities for innovation and creativity.

  • Buy-In of staff and your Management Team. Supporting your team from the bottom up is a necessary step. Provide them with the tools and systems is one stage but empowering them to continue to innovate and change is another. Display the desired behaviours and ensure communication stays open and honest.

  • Integrity and Empathy. These are integral at every stage to ensure you achieve your desired change outcome. Not everyone can demonstrate these qualities. Be prepared to be genuine. Your staff will deliver the desired result if they can see you demonstrating qualities that they value.

How are you placed as you take that journey forward?


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