Developing leaders today to shape a better tomorrow

After the whirlwind that was 2020, we have all transitioned into a new world with slightly different lenses. Whilst some yearn for the old “norm”, others have embraced a new way forward and one question becomes even more central: how to keep everyone focused on a collective journey forward?

Leaders today are scrambling to identify ways to balance and support their teams as they navigate their way forward. While some people have thrived with the changes, others have struggled which created new complexities that need to be considered. Unfortunately, few people have been trained in this space which makes them uncertain of what steps to take. 

As leaders we all have a responsibility to our people, but what does that actually mean?

We all want answers and we want to make things right, but what does that look like today?

Listen to Understand

We begin with one key ingredient: validating our teams lived experiences, their reality. Those may be very different from one to another and they may also keep changing as the world continues to adjust to the new way of working.

Next is to check in with yourself. Acknowledge where you sit with what you have experienced as this will inevitably impact your lens. Whether you recognise it or not, you will have a subconscious belief, and it’s ok. You simply need to be aware of it and of what you are bringing to the table and to the discussions.

Here are some suggestions to support you in becoming an even better leader and help your people navigate forward:

  • Being authentic

  • Genuinely listening to understand

  • Holding the space

  • Having grit

  • Developing antifragility over resilience

Your mindset in moving forward is the key. If your commitment is to rise and lift those around you, you will not only succeed but also show your people how.

Nobody expects anyone to be perfect, yet we seem to think that is what must be portrayed. If we cannot share our vulnerabilities, our experiences, honestly and genuinely, we can’t create a path for others to follow. As leaders, our role is to show others how!  And at times that may include showing how to ask for help. There is no shame in saying “I actually don’t know”.

Developing an anti-fragile mindset

Authenticity, above anything else, enables people to connect. Our commitment to keep pushing forward and seek out a solution forms our grit. Being able to keep surging forward despite adversity reflects our resilience. Nobody is expecting the road forward to be easy, but that doesn’t mean that it needs to be hard. 

What we learn through challenges, difficulties, and obstacles can make us stronger. When we can reflect, adjust, and rise above adversity we learn a lesson. This is what Antifragility is about. 

These key moments allow us to create a new path and lift others by showing them how they can shift their mindset.

Our actions today will determine our future so let's look inwards and identify how we can contribute to shaping a better tomorrow. Be part of the change we so desperately want to see in others.

Don’t follow the grind, stand up to be seen. Use language that will elicit the best outcome for everyone around you. Change the course, change the dialogue.

Respond in the Now.

How you respond, reflects the person you are today. KPI’s and Stats are not the priority right now. People, your people, need to be at the centre of everything you do.

Here are some simple steps you can take to help you lead forward:

  • Acknowledge people’s experiences

  • Make time

  • Be present

  • Recognise your people for what they are doing today

  • Be consistent

  • Show them how, align your actions with your words

  • Reward positive behaviours, big and small

If you need support, never hesitate to reach out. Show your people that you want to invest in them and that their well-being matters.

We will help you start that path so that you can continue to walk it. We will help you rise so that you too can lift those around you.


How to Develop High-Performing Teams


Don’t base your life on your 18-year-old safe.