Fear of Failure is not what holds people back!

This is the year of actualising dreams, but most people will fail because they simply don't know where to start.

I can share that almost 99% of people that I work with end up with a very different strategy and vision to what they thought they wanted when they started working with me.

You need to start by getting that clarity on:

  1. Who you want to be and,

  2. What you actually want to do, how to create the impact that you're looking for

This is what will enable you to succeed.

The Alchemist

I am known as the Alchemist, a strategist that creates roadmaps to:

  • your dreams

  • for your business

  • for your career 

It's my place of genius. The world I work in is about “actualising” things not just talking about them.

For far too long everyone has done what someone else has done. They catch on to a new buzzword or thought and believe they are moving with the change-makers. 

If that is the path you have been following or tempted to follow, take a moment to pause and think about this: Is it achieving the outcome that you want? Have you even considered your desired outcome? 

Let's change the dialogue and the order in which you think. Step into my lane for a minute.

Pause and reflect on who you choose to be.  

We have all heard people talk about the very well-known "fear of failure" so much that it has now become embedded in our thought process to the point that when we want to do something different we become focused on what has been drummed into us and what others have done and perhaps failed at. So, we don’t start.

I work with people globally, highly successful people, who usually seek me out because they realise they need to think differently. They hear me say “This is a simple process. I am just going to ask you a few questions.”

I keep things simple because they don’t need to be complicated, that does not mean you won’t be challenged. It is challenging old patterns, old beliefs, and an old way of thinking that will challenge you!

You need to unlearn what you know so you can start again a new way.

I don’t use mainstream thoughts, language, and ideas – you don’t want to do what everyone else is doing!  Mainstream is curated to stay with tradition because that is what is taught and what most people are paid to teach.

I am about walking my talk and showing you how. I have lived experiences to draw on and I have dared to stand on my own and back myself.

Words like resilience and pivot are not quite the way I navigate, they're old school.

Do you actually know what you want? 

If you don’t, what are you waiting for? If you keep waiting you won’t get there. How long have you been figuring it out already? Why would it be different now?

If you want mainstream, you can find plenty of online programs but if you want to actualise something that has been burning inside you – invest in yourself!

The Alchemist in me can help you unlearn old ways and navigate new patterns to see the bigger picture.  

2022 is the to step forward with clarity and to walk your talk. 

If you are ready to actualise your next step and are ready to expand your possibilities, ready to get off the train that has everyone going to the same station and ready to be unapologetically YOU:

Connect with me on socials if we are not connected yet!

Reach out and book yourself a free consult.

And most importantly, give yourself permission to do what you have always thought about but never dared – because you didn’t know where to start.



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