The Difference between Being Successful and Wanting to Be Successful.

This has been a question pondered time after time and you might just be surprised with what the real answer is.

 Here are a few front runners:

  • They implement what they know and don’t let their self-doubt stand in the way of following a step-by-step guide with a proven record. 

  • They’re not “gonna’s” - they’re committed for the long haul and know that consistent action is 100 x more powerful than perfection. 

  • They recognise the importance of asking for help, asking questions, and having a strong community to lean on in times of success just as much as when they are struggling. 

  • They choose to learn from those who’ve gone before them.  Not their friends, but those who have walked the walk – the whole journey.

  • They recognise that fear of failure or being exposed is part of the process and that they too will be guided through it.


That’s it.  Nothing daunting, nothing too difficult.

So with these few tips, what is going to hold you back?


Take that first step and then to keep going, it will give you momentum (Psst that means that you don’t have to have all the answers). Just leap out, ask for help, and invest in yourself!

2020 has been the launchpad that we all needed. It is still the beginning of a new decade – a stage of a huge shift in mindset and achieving personal goals.

Reach out, be inspired, and be prepared to leap to where you want to be.

Give yourself the Christmas gift that you really deserve: Mentoring has supported many successful people.

I am not a marketer as most that know me will tell you. I get to the core of what holds you back in life and in business. If you want to succeed, dig deep, and take those few measured steps to start your new journey.


A Question opens the mind, a statement closes it.


Digging deep while reflecting on the year