Deep Dive, Let Go So You Can Receive

Letting go allows you to stay present, be conscious and grateful for what you have.

With each day comes a new beginning but often, we find ourselves dwelling on the past or perhaps the things we don’t have. Having shared some of the realisation on my lived experiences with clients across the world, I have realised that we all have common threads. We all have patterns and behaviours that deter us from playing our best game and from living life with joy.

The pattern often begins with our inability to sit with ourselves and detach. Detach from devices, doing something, or even from simply being calm and present in the moment. So here are a few things to take away that may allow you to begin to accept and receive all that rest within you, because you do have it all, you may just not be aware yet of how incredible you are.


Silence and Self Reflection

Some may suggest that being silent, sitting still, and allowing your mind to think deeply through reflection is being lazy or perhaps a sign of boredom. This is far from the truth. I would go as far as to say that when we can’t stay focused in the moment and be silent, we are avoiding recognising things we do not want to face.

Sitting with silence is a form of mediation and this practice allows you to look inward and self reflect. It elicits creativity and stimulates your mind to explore things that you have not considered or experienced.


Helicopter view

Creating a visual of something that is so much bigger than you can see in front of you allows you to see the things that you have perhaps focused on every day, as menial and less complicated than you may have initially considered. Being caught up in the day-to-day highs and lows keeps you stuck and prevents you from taking the leap forward for fear of the unknown. So, fly high and see what the bigger picture is so you can then bring that back to base and start anew with a different lens.

Like most things in life, any obstacle is temporary. It really is only giving you an opportunity to identify another way of looking at things and then exploring that avenue.


Quick Fix

When we distil the art of pausing and being silent within ourselves, we also remove the urge to seek out that quick fix, that instant gratification. With each resistance, you build muscle and tomorrows’ wins are far greater than the small ones that come from easy plays.


The Journey is the hero

Whilst most people focus on the end goal, they forget the joy and learnings that take place along the way. Appreciating the things and people that stand before you as you walk your path is what brings us our greatest gift. So often though, we play the chase game of being in pursuit of one thing and then another as if we are ticking things of a list, forgetting that people, places, and planet matter because without them we could do nothing.

People remember how you made them feel, not what you have achieved. When we place no value on the things that have helped us get to our destination, we place little value on what we have achieved and keep playing the chase game.

The long-term vision is the end goal but the journey is joy. Celebrate the journey and accept the reward of the effort in time to get there.


Letting Go

Finally, allowing the whole of you to relinquish the things that you once placed value in allows others to see you for who you truly are. Trusting in yourself and the uncertainty of what is ahead is about mastering your belief in self and in knowing that you are here to serve a great purpose.

If there is one thing that I can share, it is that when you let go in totality, you relinquish control, you begin to trust, and when you trust, you will see the universal forces reverberate their power back to you.

Create the space and allow yourself to breath so you can see the magic that exists.

If you enjoyed this and what to discover more, reach out and connect. Dare to play the bigger game.


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