Congruent Beliefs and Behaviours

Have you recognised at times incongruent behaviours where beliefs of “self” are not aligned to that of which people ask of others? When I see this occur, I ask myself how that comes to be and what might elicit such behaviour, or whether they recognise it themselves?

Reflecting on the way that we engage is a valuable skill, one that enables us to grow and provides an opportunity for change. Identifying changes within ourselves as leaders empower those around us to do the same so I ask that we all take the challenge to reflect as we collaborate and as we engage with one another.

A good opportunity to observe this would be when you enter into discussions or negotiations with a new person. Reflect on the way you engage. Do you approach the meeting with the premise that you need to succeed or do you approach it with a view that this can be a long-term relationship?

If it is one or the other, I would like to suggest that one is not exclusive to the other.

As we continue to develop and automate processes the one thing that we all need to rely on is our relationships, more so now than ever before. The way we impact people when we meet them, the way we make them feel at that initial moment will determine the outcome of the meeting and of the relationship.

If we create an environment and set our values to include honour and respect in business, just as we do in our personal lives, we will not only have a more trustworthy business environment, but our people, our business partners, our investors and our customers will benefit too.

Working and living in a trustworthy environment, stimulates growth, provides creativity and cultivates diversity and respect. Long gone are the days where leaders are authoritarian and work with the premise to divide and concur.  

As a leader, walking the path that you wish others to take means that you not only talk of the values that you hold but uphold them too. Connections and collaboration are integral in our personal lives, but just as equally important in business.

When we take the time to sit around a table and look at things “end to end” in collaboration with one another, we make people feel like they belong. People and businesses need to feel like they belong and can share in the long-term vision.

Be the leader that reflects and engages with trust. Believe that collaboration will lead to a mutually successful outcome.


Challenging the way we lead and sponsoring the right people


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