Be what others can see

As a young girl born in Australia to a first-generation migrant family who fled a war-torn country in hope of a better life, there is a great deal to be grateful for. I was privileged to be born here, to go to a private school and be exposed to choices in sport, co-curriculum and to have independence but I did not know what I did not know, like many of us – all of us in fact.

So, what were my choices in education after school, career, and what understanding did I have of where any of my choices might lead? It was all influenced by who I knew and what they did, and of course by what I saw.

Navigating this path as a young person is never easy and whilst it has become a little better now some 30 years later, it is also the same in many ways. Children are still influenced by what they know, who they know and what they are told, so how can we, as parents, change the dial? What do they need to succeed and be happy as they begin to shape their mind about what is possible?

Sure, they now have the internet and we are globally connected, but let’s face it, if we have the same access but still hold back from taking risks, stepping outside of our lane and doing something that we have been told not to, what is the reality of our children doing the opposite from us?

How will they be able to find the path that is yet to be created?

Children navigate through an enhanced education system that is still enveloped in traditional learning. I loved my school days, but I too was told that I could not be a leader. Like many, I am sure there were some limiting beliefs that formed part of our reality.

The education system has changed but it still holds the same framework. What happens to those children who are lost in a system, or have not quite found their way, or perhaps simply just don’t fit in because they are too smart, too quiet, too sporty or simply just do not fit in or misunderstood?

We see it at work, we see it in business, so what if you could do something that could make a difference? What if there was an avenue that allowed like-minded young people to meet, think, talk, discuss and dream big?

What if they wanted to lead but needed an environment that allowed them to feel safe to develop those skills, practice them before they could bring them into their world? What if they needed some tools that would increase their confidence and allow them to fill their cup with positivity? Would you want to give them the opportunity to explore? 

As adults, we are often encouraged through work to seek out personal development, to get involved, to collaborate. What would it be like for you now if these opportunities were provided to you as a young adolescent? As a teenager when you were going through so much change or even as a school leaver still not certain of what you want to be or where you want to go?

If you could tell yourself anything as a young person, what would it be?

Having a growth mindset enables you to break through barriers. Whilst this is advantageous as an adult, it is even more important as a young person.  Can you imagine who you might be today if someone gave you the opportunity to learn these leadership skills at a young age?

I know that navigating through life is not easy and especially so in the past 2 years living through the pandemic, so how much confidence, knowledge and skillset have our children lost by having to live a different life, separated from family, friends and their usual routine?

The path forward is not one that we can do alone, and it is not up to the education system to play catch up, so what if you could combine what you've learnt from the business world and apply it to help young people? What if those involved had walked the talk and knew how to show our children how?

Mindset is everything, so why not bring that awareness to our children so they can instil that into who they are now and prepare them for what’s to come?

As an adult, I know that I get the most joy in seeing others succeed. I know that when I show others my joy, my experiences, they look for opportunities where they too can do the same. If we want to see a change in the world, we need to contribute to the changes, and by doing so, you will be what others can see! 

If you are interested in being part of the change or if you are interested in your children being part of the change, express your interest in the “Raise the Baseline” programs where we are shaping and developing leaders of today to shape a better tomorrow.


The benefits of allowing your child to fail


“E” holds the key to your success