7 tips to start your own business

Is now the right time to start your own business? YEP, YEP, YEP!

Whilst there is turmoil across the world and everybody looks outward to seek guidance on how to step forward, I suggest that we go back to doing what we know best: look inward for the answers. You actually hold all the cards.

Take back control! Just like one of the most famous quotes we know: “If it’s going to be, it’s up to me!”

Deep down we all long to do something for ourselves. We have passion, a vision to be more or to do more. However, we often hold back so, as the world has come to a somewhat state of stagnation, why not take control back into your hands? After all, you are the one that holds the key and let’s face it there really is nothing stopping you, least of all time (especially now). 

This is the perfect opportunity for you to invest in YOU.

As daunting as it may seem, I can hear you. The hardest part is to commit and, once you have done that, the next step is to take the time to really think about what you want to achieve for you and the people that you will help.


1. Look forward

When we can focus on something in the future our state of mind improves. Future focus provides us with hope and encourages us to stimulate our minds through creation. We envisage ourselves in the future and that provides hope and optimism. 

So, whilst we all wait for borders to open, for work to flow, or some inspiration from someone else, let’s look inward and draw on our strengths to deliver something for ourselves.


2. Take control

Whilst some people fear the unknown, others fear thinking big and asking themselves “who am I to deserve to succeed and to do something for me?". To them, I say “Who are you not to?”

Don’t let anything hold you back. Put control back into your hands and give yourself permission to succeed.


4. Be your own best friend

Age is a state. Purpose has no barriers. As you sit at home and ponder on this, I ask you to set your age to the side and ask yourself:

  • If you were younger and you had the chance to do something different, what would that be?

  • If you had money, what would you do?

  • If you had time, how would you spend it?

  • If you could do anything in the world at all. What would that look like?

We all have the ability to put up a roadblock. The challenge is in asking the questions in the same way as if you were helping your best friend succeed.

When we look at a problem and solve it for someone else, we are really quite great at holding the space, asking the right questions and helping them navigate to where they want to be. Let that be me for you. Start to give me the answer as if you were helping me!


4. Ask the right questions

Just because you don’t have all the answers just yet doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea. Nothing worth doing has ever been easy but the rewards are absolutely all that much better than not doing anything at all and left thinking “what if”?

There are so many forums, groups, people that will gift knowledge, share tips, and lift you as you start to waiver. So reach out, ask the questions that have been circling around in your mind, it’s very likely that someone has the answer.


5. Invest in yourself.

I have just signed up for more training. I am doing 2 courses at the moment because I am not naive to think that I know it all. I am a lifelong learner and the things that I learn form part of what I share with my clients: “knowledge is only of value when shared” .

Start small, invest in learning something that you need. Be purposeful in making that decision. Know what you want to get out of it before you begin and ask the question of the person whom you will be working with for the outcomes.


6. Surround yourself with the right people.

Whilst we can’t choose our family, we do have the ability to choose who we do business with and with whom we spend time with. This has been one of my greatest learning. If you are surrounded by people who do not lift you, allow them to move on.  

I am not suggesting you engage with fake positivity, but to engage with people who will genuinely support you through “sponsorship”. They are the ones who will speak highly about you behind closed doors and genuinely have your back.


7. Take a breath.

You've got this. It’s not bigger than you and you most certainly can begin to love what you do every single day. It is one small measured step at a time, with the right mindset and the by having the right people standing by you.



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